

  • My wife has had pretty good results in reducing neck pain and headaches using a TENS unit. She uses it every day - some times 2-3 times per day. She LOVES it - like a massage with controls so you can make it exactly where and how you need. A TENS unit is not expensive - I think we paid about $35 off Amazon. Works GREAT. We…
  • Well, nobody can tell you for sure exactly what will and will not work for you individually. That is the nature of the beast - Fibro will manifest itself differently for each individual patient and each will likely respond to different treatment options in different ways. That said - the advice for a "Change of Attitude"…
  • Here are some links to good articles about Trigger points and Myofascial Pain Syndrome. The first article does a good job explaining the difference between a tender point and a trigger point - they are totally different things. Also this delves a bit into recent research that shows that myofascial trigger points may…
  • Awesome to hear your doing so much better.... but in all honesty, I would wager that losing 44lb, and exercising lots more has as much or more to do with it than the Savella does. At the very least, the weight loss and exercise will have greatly multiplied the benefits your seeing. HUGE amounts of research data show that…
  • I do not work at home because of Fibro - but I do work from home full time "on" Fibro. I have worked from home for the past 12 years and know a lot about how to leverage technology to increase productivity while working from home. Please - share what specific skills you have. What do you know how to do? Software, speaking,…