

  • I'm in as well! woooohoooo!:flowerforyou:
  • thanks for the recommended reading; I just had the library hold these books for me :) I am anxiously waiting to receive my copy of Geneen Roths 'Women, Food and God' too. It is shameful the 'food' big business throws at us. Its hardly food at all. But whatever it is, it keeps many of us overweight and wanting more, more,…
  • cravings... before I cleaned up my eating habits and stopped binging on my drugs of choice, carbs/fats/sugar, my cravings were unrelenting, overwhelming, undeniable and in control of me! My mind and body SCREAMED for cookies, cakes and breads/sweets. If I wasn't actually eating these things, I was thinking about them. in…
  • hi! oh yeah, i am back and joining myfitpal AGAIN. this time I hope to stick around until i reach my goal. my body and blood pressure are telling me enough is enough :blushing: . 25th wedding anniversary coming up too :) best wishes to all! :flowerforyou:
  • thank you all for the welcome and good luck to all of you too! :flowerforyou: Created by - Free Food Diary
  • nice site! very motivating so far; great information and accountability. :wink: this is just day one.. happy Sunday!