

  • I started this yesterday! Level 1 is ok, have done the 30DS levels before so used to most of her moves. Still sweated buckets!! Def sticking to this one, good luck everyone :). Feel free to add me so we can motivate each other :)
  • Hi Height: 5'7 HW: 172 CW: 148 GW:138 Looking to make friends and get more motivated! Feel free to add me :) Mevan
  • Hi I'm in pretty much the same position as you. I'm 5'7 with around 14lbs to lose. Doing Jillian's 30DS...currently on day 6. Lost 4lbs last week but now finding it very hard to shift anything and I'm on 1200 a day I think I need to up my workouts and get into more of a routine. Lets keep in touch and motivate each other…