Losing 15 lbs in 2 months

Hi guys, just wondering if anyone has any tips for losing 15 lbs in 2 months. Is that too much to hope for? I currently weigh 150lbs, I am a female at 5'7' and I'm 25 years old.
It might not be feasible to loose that much weight in a short period of time, but I thought I'd check. Currently I am doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and I'm logging it as interval training, so it's about 200 calories a day burned. I am set at 1200 calories, so I eat about 1400 calories with the calories exercise gives me.


  • stamparticus
    By the way, this is a photo of my stomach where I need to lose most of my weight: http://cl.ly/image/2E2q0b330i3C
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Is this the last 15lbs you want to lose? If so, it would be incredible hard to lose it in 2 months. For someone your height, 1200 cals is far too low.

    Maybe switch your process. Look at building muscle which in turn will burn more fat. More muscle, less fat means a smaller body even if the scale doesn't agree. Switch to eat at a slight surplus and lifting heavy weights.

    And unfortunately you wont' be able to pick that the weight comes from your stomach... it could come from everywhere else on your body.
  • stamparticus
    Thanks for the response! No, I have just started working out today. A few months ago I worked out daily and lost about 7 lbs but I've gained it all back by not working out and not eating well. This is as large as I've been (other than when I was pregnant), and I'm hoping to eventually get back down to 130 or so, but I know that will take awhile.

    I live far away from my family, in a different country actually. In two months I'm going to visit them, and I want to lose some weight before I see everyone again. I will keep exercising/losing weight past those 2 months, but I was hoping to lose as much as possible before I got home.

    That's okay if I don't actually lose that much weight, I just want to look better. Tighten up and look a bit more fit. Does that make sense?

    I just typed my info into the thing they make you fill out when you join, and they set me at 1200 calories. What would you recommend? Are there any exercises you'd recommend other than lifting weights? I will start working on that.
  • bub290
    bub290 Posts: 5

    I'm in pretty much the same position as you. I'm 5'7 with around 14lbs to lose. Doing Jillian's 30DS...currently on day 6. Lost 4lbs last week but now finding it very hard to shift anything and I'm on 1200 a day

    I think I need to up my workouts and get into more of a routine. Lets keep in touch and motivate each other on :)
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Set your goal to no more than 0.5lbs per week and eat back all your exercise cals.
  • stamparticus
    That's probably why, I've got it set to 1.5 (stupid, I know). I'll change it to .5.

    And I say we definitely keep in touch! That's a great idea.
  • echippendale
    Hi think it can be done but i weighed more than you i joined mfp on 3rd of jan weighing, 177.8lbs and now 2months on im 159.6lbs . i for the first month i stuck to 1200 cals , then i upped to 1500. I do leslie sansone walk a mile ,5 times a week, i do some of the beach body moms workouts on you tube, i also do some light weights and strengh training. Im sure you can do it hun. Also take your measurments, i go off how my clothes feel rather than weight, as muscle weighs more than fat x
  • leeanneo07
    leeanneo07 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi There,

    I was in the same boat as you (5'8" - 160 lbs).
    I lost 12 lbs in the first 2 months.
    Now I'm 4.5 months and I'm down to 134 lbs (26 lbs lost).

    It is possible. Here's what contributed to my success:

    1. MFP -logging food and planning out meals
    *tip - add the food before you eat it to see the calorie and nutritional content

    2.Eating Healthy –
    *my opinion - I see many people on here in taking 1200 calories a day but you need to make those calories count. I stuck to healthy foods (non-processed), decrease sugar. Google "clean eating". Aimed for 20-30 grams of protein for every meal. Low carbs (for me this was 60-80 grams).
    Never skip breakfast and aim for 30g of protein
    I am currently eating 1200 cal/day but if I'm hungry I will eat.
    Get rid of all the junk food in your house.

    3. Fitbit - pedometer (tracks steps, stairs, sleep)
    *tip – I am for 10,000 steps a day (for me (desk job) this means walking to and from work (4km each day)

    5. Exercise –
    I would run 5km 4 times a week. This was probably the biggest contributor.
    In the first 2 months I focused a lot on cardio vs. weights, that being said 2-3 times a week for 30 minutes (lunges, squats, leg exercises).
    I have now started HIIT running.

    6. Water
    Drink lots of it

    7. Ankle Weights
    I bought 2.5 lbs ankle weights and wear them around the house on evenings/weekends

    8. Scale
    I didn’t own a scale before. This helped a lot it gave me something to measure and track.

    9. Curbing Cravings / Food Alternatives
    Get ready for your cravings and have alternatives ready
    I curbed my sweet cravings through low fat whipped cream with blueberries (50 calories – 2g fat; 6g sugar)

    10. Pinterest
    Yes its true, it provides a lot of motivation. Gives me so many great food and exercises ideas.

    11. Let yourself have bad days and don’t beat yourself up

    Hope this helps :)
  • Fitnwhole78
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    Based on your height and weight...I don't think 15 lbs in 2 months is realistic. You're pretty close to a normal BMI, if not already there.

    I would work on gaining muscle. Make your goal not 15 lbs in 2 months, but a pant size or two.
  • KayBallin
    KayBallin Posts: 111 Member
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    damn old posts..
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    damn old posts..

    Didn't even notice lol :laugh:
  • psyrnpsy
    psyrnpsy Posts: 1 Member
    I did it. I weighed 175 in April 2016. Most of the weight was around my waist and gut, not pretty for a tall otherwie thin man. I started walking home from work every day - about three miles, the last third of that uphill. Took about anhour to get home, but I always felt great afterwards. I also changed my diet, basically cutting out most of the sugar I used to eat (which was a LOT of sweet crap), ate lean meals, and gave myself one cheat day where I ate anything I wanted. I also started working out at the gym 3-4 times per week. I'm back to being lean again.