7w6sxChris Member


  • Thanx to everyone for their input! I wasnt even looking into it for the protien powder I was mostly interested because a friend of mine said the pure vitamin drinks and energy supplements were worth it. It looked interesting, but as I said (and you all pointed out! :-) ) I was worried it was mostly just a way to lose money!
  • Well I am a couple decades over, Im 32 but hey, age is just a number! WE all have things to learn from each other and I weigh exactly the same as you, so there we have something in common!! I am getting back on track with MFP since it is how I lost my first 20 lbs, and am building my support channel as well, please feel…
  • I cant do things in moderation, if I start I keep going! I cut it out completely for a couple weeks and after a bit your taste buds adjust to where it doesnt effect you the same. Artificial sweeters are the worst, dont turn to them!
  • This is awesome thanx for posting! Ive lost a 2 yr old so far (and then gained back a few :-/) and Im going for a bale of hay!
  • I actually like the feature, I guess I am on my own with that though haha. :-) Mine is never a wacky number though...I have it set to lose 1 lb a week and if I stick to my calorie intake for the day then it basically says I will lose 5 lbs in five weeks....pretty accurate and the whole reason I am keeping track so I am…
  • Hey al!!! I am a SAHM of two ages 3 and 5. I actually started this site last year, lost half the weight and then got sidetracked moving states. BUT it is now summer and I am looking foward to re-joining the community for support, fun and getting healthy :-)
  • Well hey there!! Im 31 next month, 5'6 and 170 lbs looking to get to 145 so id say were pretty similar in goals! I get VERY easy overwhelmed and just love the support of this site. I joined last year, lost half the weight and then slacked off due to moving states....but its summer and it is time to get that last 25 off!!!…
  • I love lowfat cottage cheese with no-suger-added canned peaches and a little of the juice ....Kashi is my FAVORITE breakfast cereal that reall fills me up and doesnt take a lot
  • Wow youre awesome motivation for everyone....you look great!!!
  • Welcome!! Im new as well, the support on this site was what encouraged me to join in the first place and Im really loving it so far. Only my first day here and the calories didnt work out as I wanted :-( However, since I can read all the stories, advice and encouragement on here, for the first time instead of becoming…
  • Yes, i cant see the pics either but that is awesome!!! I just started this program and need to get rid of 50...its inspiring to see others who have done it :-)) keep it up!
  • I drink green tea all day which speeds metabolism as well as fill your stomach and help with hunger! I know the feeling and struggle with that mysefl! I find myself picking off my kids plate if they dont finish it!
  • I have a little girl 4, and little boy 2, feel free to add me as well I am new on here and need lots of motivation!!!!