

  • I will second that!
  • Dedication and hard work.
  • That's the mind set! I like it! It will be a long 2 months, but you will also look back and say "what an achievement!"
  • Anything! What an achievement for completeing Insanity. You are unstopable now! lol. Joking aside, i do think that a lifting program like P90x would really see the difference in your muscle tone. But lift heavy! there is nothing to be afrid of!!! Have fun whilst you are doing it! Keep up the awesome work, it is not going…
  • Hi! Yes i have done INSANITY, i have also done P90X. However, i do not have before and after photos. Depending what you are currently doing at the gym, you might find doing Insanity on top of your current workout a little demanding. Insanity is hard work, but the results are undeniable. I do have a blog where I babbles…