crc822001 Member


  • It's hard to give up for me! I have decided to allow myself 5 a week. This has been working b/c I know on the weekends that I will want a Pepsi so I steer clear of them during the week. On the weekends I hardly ever drink all 5. It feels like a small victory but I know the best answer is none at all :)
  • Can you search for cardio exercises on youtube? I have the Walk Away the Pounds DVD and when I don't want to go out I use that. It's a quick Power Mile. Also, can you be disciplined enough to walk in place briskly during commericals? Just a suggestion.
  • I think you should be fine as long as you are under your calorie count. Good job occupying your mind b/c one of the major causes for snacking is boredom. I also enjoy snacking. I try to avoid doing it after dinner, but in the event that I can't get rid of the cravings I do the following: 1. Take a walk with my husband…
  • Have you reviewed your sodium, protein, and fiber amounts? I stalled on my weight loss for about 2 months before I looked at these 3 areas. I found that I was consuming way too much salt and not enough fiber or protein. Also, water consumption is key, especially if the sodium is high. Can you throw in a different exercise…
  • YAY!!!!!!!!! My scale finally moved and I dropped 2lbs since last week!!!! I am overly excited. Kinda wishing today was not my off day b/c I am pumped and ready to burn some calories. This will just make sure that I hit it hard early in the morning. The kids are spending the weekend with the grandparents so I have…
  • When you exercise are you using treadmills and ellipticals? Machines like this allow you to enter your weight and tell you how many calories you are burning. Then when you post to MFP you can play with the exercise to get the accurate amount that you burned. Just a thought. Also, I would listen to my body. If you don't…
  • I am the same way. I have a friend that splits the sweets with me, that way I don't feel like I have cheated entirely. I also try to drink a cup of water when the craving isn't too bad, that normally curbs it for me.
  • I am excited about weighing in first thing in the morning. Just me staying off the scale this long feels like an accomplishment. It has somehow made me work harder since Im not climbing on the scale every 5 minutes. Initally my daily goal for calorie loss was 150, but now I have bumped it up to 250 a day. And I have even…
  • I think it depends on if you are really hungry. If you aren't hungry, don't eat. Maybe you could drink some juice or a glass of milk in those cases. I would say that you want to be as close to the suggested caloric intake recommended as possible. You don't want to send you body into starvation mode.
  • I also log it as two parts i.e. 10 minutes walking and 20 minutes running
  • I have an addiction to french fries. I have a co worker here that monitors how many french fries I can have once I do get them. If I have a craving, we walk to Wendy's (about 15 min from the office), get a small order and walk back. The walk doesn't totally burn the calories consumed from the fries, but it gets us moving…
  • My workout for the day is a Hiit motivated regimen on the treadmill 5 minute 2.5 pace 2 incline 5 minute 3.0 pace 5 incline 5 minute 3.0 pace 10 incline 5 minute 3.0 pace 15 incline 5 minute 3.0 pace 10 incline 5 minute 3.0 pace 15 incline 5 minute 3.0 pace 10 incline 5 minute 3.0 pace 5 incline 5 minute 2.7 pace 2 incline…
  • Hawaiibound I am there with you. I just had a baby (#4) in December and I managed to lose 10 lbs in a jiff. I have been stuck at my current weight for well over 2 months now. After talking with my gym pals and some actual trainers I found out that my workout routine just wasn't cutting it anymore. I worked out at the same…
  • Instead of Oreo's I try to eat the Quaker Rice Cake snacks that have the small drizzle of chocolate on them. Someone I met on here suggested I get the 100 calorie Pudding Snacks when I have a chocolate attack so I am going to try that this week. My problem is that I LOVE greasy foods. It is bad for me (I know, I know) but…
  • Unfortunately I weighed in today and there was no loss (no gain either). I think it is partly b/c I had limited access to the gym this week and didn't do anything at home either! Today I am changing my regimen, making it more intense. Not discouraged, but determined!
  • I am there with you Shaqueta. I have had 4 kids (a set of twin 10 year olds, a 4 year old, and an 8 month old). I keep envisioning myself before I got pregnant with the 4 year old and that is the body I want back. I get upset when people tell me I can't do it and to let it go and it makes me become obsessive about it.
  • That's what I do. I love that DVD. It helps me stay on track on the days that I can't make it to the gym or around the neighborhood.
  • I am a working mom of 4 so I know how you feel. Two of the 4 are in cheerleading which takes up two full days a week. I work in at least 30 minutes of cardio during the workday and eat my lunch at my desk. After work (on the non cheerleading days) we make it a habit to go to the YMCA. The kids love it and I get my husband…
  • Am I too late to join in on the 90 day challenge?