

  • I'm in! On my Second round of insanity :)
  • Team Beachbody has a TON of at home workouts. I am def in love with them. Check them out! Message me/add me if you want to know more ;) Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • Have you gotten great results?
  • I know you may not think there's a difference, but 26lbs down means there is definitely a difference. Sometimes we've just been, so unhappy with our body for so long that if our body isn't perfect then we don't see the difference. I absolutely hated myself for letting myself get overweight. I didn't see a difference or was…
  • Great! Add me on FB and I'll add you to the group. Chelsea Switts
  • 10 minute trainer by Team Beachbody is great! Quick workout and will see results!
  • I started Round 2 of Insanity today!
    in Insanity Comment by CSwitts October 2012
  • It is not easy at all! The people that say that are always the skinny *****es that can eat whatever they want! It took me a year to lose 20 lbs! A whole year. I go on this site and someone's like lost 100 in 5 days (okay a HUGE exaggeration) but sometimes it feels like that to me looking all those post about people losing…
  • So, I see that you tried P90x and that's impressive for one. I am too scare to even pop those DVDs in just to see what they have in store. But, have you looked at any other beachbody products? Les Mills Pump is a body pump workout that tones and burns fat if that is what you are working for. Team Beachbody has a lot of…
  • Mine's open :) I might not always "behave" but I cook a lot of healthy meals
  • YOU ONLY CHEATED ONCE IN THREE MONTHS?! Please teach me your ways!! You are totally fine. I cheat all the time (not that I recommend it) and am still losing weight. Its fine. Just get back on track tomorrow :)
  • So, I am on the other end and let me tell actually having boobs is a HASSEL when working out. I started out a C which was manageable but still not the greatest especially when running. I hated having my boobs jumping up and down with me. After gaining weight, I got to an F. After losing weight, I am still an F. IT SUCKS.…