toning first? or fat loss?

OK, so im kinda new to this site, i have been using it to research some questions i have and theres a few that im still not sure of!! so any help would be awesome!!

1) i have alot of "fat" on my rear and my legs, and it plain out sickens me, i know that we cant choose where the fat comes from when we burn it of, but (lol, no pun intended!!)i have the jillian michaels killer buns and thighs, would that be a better option ? i mean is it ok to "tone" while having fat there? will the toning make it look worse?

2) i here that after using weights, u should eat lots of protein. them protein shakes are horrible, will eating a spoonful of pnut butter work?


  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    What do you mean by toning? How do you define that? Are you saying you have zero muscle? You will lose weight by eating less calories, counting everything you put in your mouth, drinking 64 oz minimum of water per day, avoiding alcohol and exercising. You can also start weight/resistance training 3x per week for fat loss. Jillian Michaels whatever dvd for only certain areas probably won't do. You need a cardiovascular workout to get your heart rate up for at least 20 minutes. Plenty of things you can find on youboob and such. I don't know, i've never used a workout off a DVD (but I may try p90x in the Winter.)
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Toning and fat loss are essentially the same thing. When you say "toning" I'm assuming that you mean you want to see definition? In order to see definition you need to lose bodyfat.

    I don't know much about Jillian Michaels or her DVDs but I can confidently say that any exercise program you do should incorporate both cardio and strength training if definition is what your seeking.

    As far as the protein shakes go you can get your protein from whole foods. Just make sure your getting enough (about 1 g per pound of lean mass). Peanut butter is an incomplete protein (it doesn't contain all 9 essential amino acids) and it's quite calorie dense which will make it hard to stay in a calorie deficit. A better option would be egg whites, tuna, chicken and things of that nature.

    Hope this helps.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Toning and fat loss are essentially the same thing.

    I don't know much

  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    by toning, i am referring to trying to tighten the muscles there, to strengthen the muscles, will it help to get rid of the god awful flab? my main goal is to get the legs strong again, and to get rid of that hideous garbage on them.. i was debating on doing the taebo kick express with adding 3 lb ankle weights in about a month, but again, im afraid that the weights wont work and the muscle will build under the flab making the flab look worse. i have good muscle definition, and my knees and ankles are kinda weak, so that scares me. anyway, p90x, i tried that back in 2010, did it for all of 3 weeks and got burnt out, the workouts are long and excruciating! good luck to you!
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    how about greek yogurt? the fat free kind? would that be ggod for after using weights?
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    how about greek yogurt? the fat free kind? would that be ggod for after using weights?

    Yeah, greek yoghurt fat free or not fat free is a great source of protein.

    As far as the exercise program goes there are a number of options. To be honest I'm not very up to date with alot of the home videos as I have a gym membership and tend to train there. I have a friend who does P90x and has had good results but honestly I'm wary of a lot of the exercises.

    Simple things like pushups, squats, lunges, long distance running, sprints, plyometrics, are all affordable and can be done at your house or a local park.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Toning and fat loss are essentially the same thing.

    I don't know much

    I'm not really grasping the point you're trying to make with that.
  • collingmommy
    collingmommy Posts: 456 Member
    k, cool thank you. i kinda have a idea of what needs to be done, i think i can do this again, the last time i lost weight, i lost 54 lbs then got pregnant, and found that 54 lbs plus about 10 extra, lol.. i did alot of billy blanks taebo, and walked 2 miles a night, i had gotten sown to about 173, but i didnt do anything with weights, this time around i wanna build muscle and i have heard that the jilllian michaels is a good total body workout cause she uses the 3/2/1 system, 3 minutes of strength 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute of abdominal. thank you for your time, and your expert opinion.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Over the course of a year I lost a bunch of weight and lost muscle along the way. If I had to do it all over again I would have started with weight training much sooner. It's tough to put the muscle back on again.
  • girlykate143
    girlykate143 Posts: 220 Member
    okay, sounds like you know what you're doing cause you've been down this road before. Sorry, I guess I could have given you the benefit of the doubt instead of telling you to drink more water and blah-blah-blah. :)

    I second the greek yogurt and I third the weight training. I wouldn't strap weights to my ankles, but that's me.
    All the best!
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    I started doing weights not long after I started losing fat. I've still got 18kg to go but I love doing strength training. Even though the fat will hide some muscle definition there are lots of benefits to starting now rather than waiting till you're at goal.
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    Of course you can tone while losing even before you lose.

    My trainer recommends eating at least 20 grams of protein after working out. I've read the sooner you eat that the better. I don't care for the drinks either and find them inconvenient since I doubt I'd like them warm. I've found the Market Pantry (Target) nutrition bars and "Protein Bar" brand bars to taste ok. It may look like I'm eating a candy bar, but it doesn't quite taste like one. The Market Pantry don't have enough protein, so I supplement them. The negative to these is that they have about 200 calories/bar. However, I workout for more calories than that and for more reasons than losing weight. You also increase your metabolism working out. Protein helps you repair muscle, so it makes your workout more effective and should help you have less next day pain.

    Any protein source is fine, but watch the fattiness of what you eat. Read labels to find out the grams, fat and calories.
    OK, so im kinda new to this site, i have been using it to research some questions i have and theres a few that im still not sure of!! so any help would be awesome!!

    1) i have alot of "fat" on my rear and my legs, and it plain out sickens me, i know that we cant choose where the fat comes from when we burn it of, but (lol, no pun intended!!)i have the jillian michaels killer buns and thighs, would that be a better option ? i mean is it ok to "tone" while having fat there? will the toning make it look worse?

    2) i here that after using weights, u should eat lots of protein. them protein shakes are horrible, will eating a spoonful of pnut butter work?
  • CSwitts
    CSwitts Posts: 14
    So, I see that you tried P90x and that's impressive for one. I am too scare to even pop those DVDs in just to see what they have in store. But, have you looked at any other beachbody products? Les Mills Pump is a body pump workout that tones and burns fat if that is what you are working for. Team Beachbody has a lot of other great workouts you can try as well that will do amazing things for your body. Add me and we can chat about them. I love their stuff. They've changed my life.