

  • I stopped drinking years ago, not because of any chronic problem with it, but because of the extra calories and the accompanying lack of judgment that comes with it. Personally I did not find it to be difficult, and I hardly give it a second thought these days. Good luck to you in whatever you choose to do, but I would say…
  • Kroger carbmaster yogurt. COmes in a bunch of flavors and I don't think there is another yogurt out there that compares in terms of low sugar and carbs. Tastes pretty good, too.
  • Skipping breakfast and saving my calories for later works pretty well for me. I generally am not very hungry in the morning, and coffe gets me by. A mid-morning snack such as light yogurt or some carrots gets me through until lunch. Then I have a light lunch and I often have 1000 calories or more to use for dinner and…
  • Bumping this again. For those who have not yet tried this recipe, or who stopped short of cooking it after smelling the noodles when you first open the bag, you will not be disappointed if you follow the recipe as written. I also add chicken breast and mushrooms. A lot of food for a few calories.
  • A boiled egg and a piece of turkey sausage. or A bowl of oatmeal sweetened with a little splenda or scrambled eggs and peppers in a low carb wrap
  • The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
  • How exactly has this book helped you personally? The all caps is not selling me on the book, but an effective persuasive argument with specifics might. Glad you have found something that turns you on to healthy eating. Wherever you find it, that is the key that all of us have to find somewhere if we want good results.
  • Yes
  • Okay, this thread is not good for any of us, but we all have a list of things we might rather be eating while we are staring at our bowl of chunk light tuna at lunch time. So here are a few of mine. 1. Thick grilled cheeseburger with caramelized onions and ketchup (with steak fries of course - and more ketchup) 2. Korean…
  • I have been to Disney a bunch, and I wanted to let you know of a few options that you have if you want to stay in control of your meals while on vacation. Disney will let you bring in a soft sided cooler. I have small children, so we also bring a stroller for them to ride in when they get tired. The soft sided cooler stows…
  • Okay, I tried this tonight. I followed the directions for the most part. I rinsed the noodles well, cooked them in a little spray with the sprouts and I also added fresh mushrooms and some cooked and cut up chicken breast meat. Like the original poster said, there was never an issue with the ingredients sticking to the pan…
  • For crunchy things I go to either Snikkidy southwest cheddar baked fries or barbecue flavored potato straws. For sweets I either chew sugarless mint gum or have a peppermint or cinnamon disc.