

  • you can never have too much protein I am doing a high proitein diet at the min and i comsume 3x the amount i am suppose to, protein helps you lose weight if you eating a low carb diet.
  • I have to eat 160 grams of protein a day for my diet. i always start the day with 2 boiled eggs and a slice of wholemeal bread, i eat almonds and walnits throughout the day as a snack. and i also add myprotein - whey protein unflavoured protein to my meals like soups, spag bal etc add as much as u like i tend to add around…
  • How about making a home made easy tomato soup? Just need tin tomatoes, tomato puree, garlic, onions and maybe a little cornflour to thicken. i like to add basil too. Chicken and salad tortilla wrap Tuna salad