tiffanyjofisher3 Member


  • Tonight is some strength training and cardio then me and my boys are going to the drive-in to watch a double feature.... it may be a little chilly lol. Tommorrow my youngest and I are going skating, and Sunday church and Zumba - all this peppered with being a bum :) Hope everyone has a great weekend !
  • I started with Richard Simmons - I know it's old but, he really motivated me and he has bigger people doing his workouts with him in the video. I had to buy mine on Amazon but saw a couple at Walmart. I'm still large but have worked my strength up considerably :) I would recommend starting with Sweatin to the Oldies
  • I start this program tomorrow and I can't wait after seeing all of these posts :)
  • This is a great thread for us apple shaped woman.. There is hope of a waist !!!!
  • I would love to, I am currently doing him daily :) Love Richard
  • thanks for the great info. u r right about the calories u burn durning the exercise- when i put it in here it just doesnt feel like im really burning that much. so i make sure to underestimate rather than over. good luck with your goals. :happy:
  • so i have just recently joined this little party and would really appreciate any tips anyone would like to share. i have 85, sorry 83 pounds to lose and really want to make sure im on the right track. the calorie intake seems high on here for me to lose but im sticking to it and have found that when i keep track i feel…