

  • I agree ~ Some days, after I have worked all day, then picked up the kids to go home to fix dinner / baths / homework/ etc, I SERIOUSLY do NOT feel like doing anything except plopping my lazy butt on our fabulously comfy comfy couch, watch our wonderful 60+" flatscreen plasma tv, while enjoying the ac and some reese puffs…
  • Hey There! During one of my recent workout classes, I twisted/rolled my ankle pretty bad and was out of commission (per doc's orders) for over a week and was placed in this fashion taboo bulky ankle air brace ~ it did however work beautifully!! After I was able to take the brace off I was able to return to my workout…
  • Maybe I am stepping across the boundary here (and if so pls pardon me I am new on here), but I just read your "BLUE TEAM" postings and am extremely interested how/if I can join. Since joining this site I have not had much luck w/ friends, groups, getting motivation, etc. and your team/group sounds awesome!! If your teams…
  • :happy: ~ WOW!! What a great article! I know how corny this sounds, but I swear this article was written for me b/c I have been working my tail off in the gym/dieting (w/o all of the results I am wanting) and have not been drinking my required amount of water each day! I am DEFINITELY going to do doubt!…
  • CONGRATS!! CONGRATS!! Sounds like an awesome concert....have a great time :-> ~Brandy~
  • Hey there. My name is Brandy and I am new here too (only been registered since Monday). I have found this site to be absolutely awesome! So, in my opinion, you definitely came to the right place. Drop me a line anytime!! ~Brandy
  • Hi, my name is Brandy and I am completely and totally new here. Unfortunately, I do not have any advice on your delima. However, I am interested to know what you had for breakfast this morning. I am NOT a breakfast person, but as you know, I need to make that one of my larger meals each day, so I a, having a real hard…
  • Hello there. My name is Brandy and I just joined this site 3 days ago, at the suggestion of my trainer. I am a happily married (for 13 years) mother of 2 wonderful children, a 13 year old son and a 7 year old daughter. I am definitely looking for a buddy on here as well. I have never been in this position before (was that…
    in Hello Comment by brandyb1995 April 2009
  • Hi. My name is Brandy and this is my very first day on here. My trainer, Stacey (who is fabulous), turned me on to this site in order to help count my calories, track my weight loss progress, etc. I have done a bit of "checking out" of this site and it seems really neat. I really like the way I can keep track of my…
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