
Hello everyone, I'm so happy I found this site. It looks wonderful. I'd like to introduce myself and I'm soooo hopeful that I'll make some friends that I can encourage and get encouragement from. I'm the happy mom of an 8 year old daughter. For the first half of my life, I was very thin, after years of infertility treatments I just got bigger and bigger and bigger. I've lost in the past, never to goal but pretty significant amouns, 42lbs once, 38 another. I always get 1/2 way to goal only to sabatoge myself and go back to my old habits:cry: I really, really, really want to and need to succeed. I'm pre-diabetic and I'm sure it's only the tip of the iceburg if I continue. I want to do this, I deserve to do this and most importantly, my daughter deserves a healthy mom that can keep up with her and be there to keep up with her kids one day. I would love to make friends here and swap tips and just encourage each other. I'm doing weight watchers and I've joined curves and go 3 - 4 times a week. Anyone out there looking for a buddy, please let me know.


  • oshow
    oshow Posts: 13
    Hello everyone, I'm so happy I found this site. It looks wonderful. I'd like to introduce myself and I'm soooo hopeful that I'll make some friends that I can encourage and get encouragement from. I'm the happy mom of an 8 year old daughter. For the first half of my life, I was very thin, after years of infertility treatments I just got bigger and bigger and bigger. I've lost in the past, never to goal but pretty significant amouns, 42lbs once, 38 another. I always get 1/2 way to goal only to sabatoge myself and go back to my old habits:cry: I really, really, really want to and need to succeed. I'm pre-diabetic and I'm sure it's only the tip of the iceburg if I continue. I want to do this, I deserve to do this and most importantly, my daughter deserves a healthy mom that can keep up with her and be there to keep up with her kids one day. I would love to make friends here and swap tips and just encourage each other. I'm doing weight watchers and I've joined curves and go 3 - 4 times a week. Anyone out there looking for a buddy, please let me know.
  • brandyb1995
    Hello there. My name is Brandy and I just joined this site 3 days ago, at the suggestion of my trainer. I am a happily married (for 13 years) mother of 2 wonderful children, a 13 year old son and a 7 year old daughter. I am definitely looking for a buddy on here as well. I have never been in this position before (was that skinny girl everyone hated until I now turned 31 and hit that wall), so I have been meeting with a trainer (whom is awesome) and doing cardio and weight lifting classes with a fast paced, sweat your butt off cardio only class once a week. I just started using this site and doing these classes since Monday. As you can imagine, I am pretty sore at this point, but I honestly don't seem to mind b/c I am so focused on getting myself back you know. I will tell you know that I am usually not online at this time of day. I go online to this website, as well as my myspace and yahoo (and let's not forget the shopping websites....LOL) during my work hours, which are Mon-Fri 8:30ish to 5ish. I am only on here now because our daughter had ball practice and I had my cardio only class so we had a later night all together, plus I figured if I waited until I got to work in the morning I may forget to log something in and I don't want to do that. I have been using this site absolutely religiously and I really liike it (plus it seems that mentally I get it and enjoy it on that level too....which is extremely important). So as you see, I am new here so please bear with me in doing anything fancy.

    Have a great day and hope to hear from you soon!!
