TheRUBENone Member


  • 5 11 198 pounds. im trying to find the right balance to continue to loose fat & gain muscle & maintaine myself at 200 pounds.
  • this happens to be 1 of my daily routines, a shake before & either durring or after a work out. then to rush home for the last meal of the day. i guess i just dont want to loose anymore weight because i dont want to get to scrawny & would rather be a bulky 200 pounder.
  • My boston terriers names are Diva, Kiara, & rogue. they are the best. grandmother, mom & daughter.
  • i had gastric bypass back on 12-20-10 & have lost 270 pounds. i would say for me it started with arms & legs. its not till now that im thinning out in the mid section. its not up to the person to determine were you loose if from first. its genetics & each individuals body that determines that. there is no way to spot train…
  • jump on they have a tone of different things you can do there. just type in core & a 100 things should pop up. good luck.
  • wow your post is speaking to me in more ways then you can imagine. i too am going through this now. i went from 467 pounds to 198. im happy at 198 & actually want to maintain this weight & build muscle & continue to loose fat with out continueing to drop on the scale. so its been a fight. eating more times a day & trying…
  • cant go wrong with skrillix. pretty much anything he comes out with is pretty good stuff to work out with & keep you pushing for hours.
  • I would say its ok to do the asking. he may never get the hint that you want him to ask so you may need to drop some helpful hints his way, like leading a horse to water but not forcing him to drink.
  • iliana has a point. i too have thyroid issues & can sometimes make me feel a little down when its not on point. could be that as well.
  • if your that tired then alot can be going on. maybe blood work is needed to tell exactly whats going on. could be a hand full of things that it could be. could be low iron, low vitamin d, not enough water, not enough protein or carbs to keep you sustained through out the day. b-12 is great but not always the answer to…
  • cardio is king when trying to loose weight. so you have to decide what you want more. getting stronger or loosing those last 60 pounds. also are you on a time restraint. what is your goal to loose these 60 pounds. if you have a deadline to have them lost then cardio is going to help you reach that gaol alot quicker then…
  • back muscles all the way look better then skinny bone back with no tone.
  • meant to spell almonds on the last post. sorry for any confusion.
  • almost are so high in calories so i would have to say to stay away from them. while they have a place in our diets before bed time is not the time for them. they are an excelent source of good fats but again, very high in calories. body cant process them that late at night & will just turn into fat instead of energy.…
  • if your waking up in the middle of the night then there maybe another issue going on. your body is supposed to shut down when you hit rem sleep & shuts down your organs from processing anything killing the urge to use the bathroom. most people run to the restroom first thing when they get up because the second there away…
  • i would say stay away from carbs so late at night. were talking midnight. thats really late but if you must in order to prevent bad headaches i would say drink a protien shake. low carb or little to none carbs in it, just protien to get the feeling of fullness should do the trick. remember your body burns more processing…
  • just looked it up, BTW im a huge body fan. i stay on that page. anyways i think it means dirty-can eat what ever you want, ice cream, cake, what ever, & clean-eat a little more calories then allowed but make it a wiser choice like maybe protein cookies or something along those lines. hope this helps. good luck…
  • At times if your not eating enough your body goes into starvation mode & holds on to everything you eat because it believes your starving it. diet is tricky. want to stay in the negative calric intake range but not at the cost of your body going into starvation mode or you will be stuck & can even gain. its weird but the…
  • Thats awesome, keep up the hard work. Hard work & dedication is what gets you too were you need to be.