tabatham1982 Member


  • I have the fitbit flex and I love it! I wear it all the time and it is pretty accurate! I don't use the sleep mode too often because I really don't care how my sleep went but it is nice to have when I do want to use it!
  • Hi my name is Tabatha and I just joined the group!! I don't know if I am supposed to say anything about myself but I figure what can it hurt! I am 31 married, I have a preteen daughter, and I am an RN student with 4 months left till I graduate ( one of the reasons I signed up!) so I am busy at clinicals a lot. I do try and…
  • I am 9 months out from my RNY and my doctor said to go to 1350 calories a day. I do break it up between 5 small meals a day with 250 calories a meal give or take but sometimes I just have the standard Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and a Protein shake, but that tends to be on days when I am working at the hospital so I know I…
  • I didn't make my last goal :( so I'm going to try even harder this time!!! CW: 177 GW: 160 Exercise Goal: I want to get in 5 work outs a week so at least 3x a week in the gym and then either walking or DVD at home 2x a week.
  • I cant stand the creamy flavors anymore! Ugh!! I got my sample pack and the first one I tried was the lemon tea, it was good but I did add a squirt of my lipton half tea half lemonade to it and it made it better! Today I had the twisted cherry and again I added a squirt of the mio energy black cherry to it and that made it…
  • 1) I do log my food on MFP 2) 1200 is the daily goal my doctor set out for me 3) My goal on MFP is 1700 4) I do not eat back my exercise calories 5) I usually exercise at night so afterwards I tend to shower and go to bed so I don't eat after exercise (I don't know if that is good or bad though!)
  • Bj's Bariatric also has a sale on Syntrax Nectar! You get to pick 11 flavors for $14.95 and if you use the code FS2014 you get free shipping!!! I have been wanting to try different flavors and this seemed like the perfect way!
  • These are my favorite go to when I crave a sandwich or want a quick pizza! In fact I had a BLT on one the other night and it was amazing! I also like farmer's markets for my veggies, or if I buy frozen veggies I like to buy in bulk. the biggest thing that helps me is looking at the store sale ads on like Wednesday (that's…
  • I recently found About Time protein shakes and they are really good! No chalky after taste and the come in a variety of flavors! They are also made with stevia, under 1g of carbohydrates, 0 fat, and only 100 calories!
  • Current Weight: 184.6 Goal Weight: 172 Lets hope I make it this time!!
  • I bought it from their website I tried the chocolate tonight with half a banana and a tablespoon of Pb 2 and it was really good!!!
  • I sent you a friends request :)
  • I'm in!! CW: 192 GW: 176 Also non scale goal: get back into jogging and work towards a 5k!
  • I didn't make my goal but I was close! CW 192
  • I doubt I will make my goal but I will be with in 3lbs of it! I'm still trying to deal with these kidney stones so I haven't worked out as much as I needed to :(
  • RNY Surgery was 10/21/2013. Height: 5'7" Prior to surgery: Weight: 251 Shirt size: XXL Pants size: 16/18 Current: Between 197-202 Shirt: L/XL (I don't like my shirts to be too tight!) Pants: 10/12
  • Don't do it!!!! I would just let people know that if they want something other than what you are providing they should bring their own and make sure they take it when they leave! Soda was a huge down fall for me so I make sure to not have it in my house at all anymore!
  • I can't handle pork! I don't know what it is about pork but I just can not handle it! I also have a hard time with fruits that have any sort of skin or membrane. I seriously miss eating oranges! I have had very small bites of rice, pasta and bread and did not have a problem but I try to stay away as much as possible so I…
  • Is where I got mine and the sample pack gives you 2 packs of each flavor so you can see if you like/tolerate it before you go and buy a big amount of it!
  • The biggest thing I did to prepare for surgery was make sure I was getting all 64oz of water in! I did great before the surgery but now some days I have a hard time. The other thing I wish I concentrated more on was chewing my food more. Once you have the surgery if you don't chew the food enough it gets stuck and believe…
  • I am originally from CO but currently in VA. I have been married to an Army man for 13 years, we have 1 daughter, 3 dogs (a pit, a chiweenie, and a beagle) and a cat. Right now I work 2 jobs, and am going to school for nursing. I had my RNY surgery on October 21, 2013 and am back to eating "normally" some days I think I…
  • Hi! I started MFP over a year ago when I first decided to go to the doctor and get information about weight loss surgery. I had my RNY on 10/21/13 so I am still trying to get the hang of things myself! I love reading all of the information that is put out by the members in this group and I know that if I have a question I…
  • I'll join!! SW: 204 GW: 189
  • I had to be almost in a sitting up position or I could not get comfy! The only other position that I was semi comfy in was in my side in a fetal position. Hope you find some comfort!!!
  • I was also told to only take b12 sublingual. My doctor said it absorbs better and easier on stomach. I got mine from Target and it has a nice cherry flavor.
  • I had the roux en y
  • I can relate. It seems that on some days I get close to 900 cals, but I also notice that on those days it is more of what I have drunk then what I have eaten. I have a hard time with the high protein/low carb diet, it is hard to get past the mind set of not having carbs when that is what you are used to eating. I also find…
  • Awesome Job!!!!
  • I believe you are doing great!!! I am 3 weeks out right now and went from 237 on the day of surgery to 220 today. When I seen my Dr last Monday I had only lost 13lbs and everyone said that I was doing wonderful! My Dr did comment on a 3rd week stall cause he said that is when you go to soft foods and some tend to not lose…
  • I am on an Insulin pump and I am holding steady at 2units per hour basal rate, and with all the liquids I have yet to have to give my self a bolus. So I am very pleased with that! I am still having a hard time with all the sweet protein drinks but I am going to call the nutritionist on Monday and see what can be done. The…