krayzeekris Member


  • I need to lose about 60 pounds. I lost 30 using myfitnesspal about 3 years ago, and then I quit logging and gained it all back plus some. I need to just accept that I need to always be mindful of my calories and exercise. Not a diet, but a lifestyle change. I've been back at it again for a week. Doing good so far. Would…
  • I'm due August 22. My first baby. :) so excited!
  • That sounds like a great plan! I've put running outside on hold until it cools down again. I've been borrowing people's treadmills on Saturdays and doing 30ds on the other days. Except on days like today when I just wasn't in the mood for Jillian. I played my Black Eyed Peas Experience on XBox Kinect for an hour instead. :)
  • ^^^Yup, I'm with them. Change it up, look for something fun. Get a buddy to keep you motivated and accountable. And don't give up!! :)
  • Don't be discouraged. forget the scale for now. Like IamSheaMc said, get a measuring tape. Hang in there.
  • took them last night. ready to see a change!
  • Name: Kristin SW: 200 CW: 177 GW: 150ish maybe 140 Why 30DS? I'm kind of a Biggest Loser addict. I've been at a standstill with my weight loss for a couple weeks and I thought this would help. Also, Some day I'd really like to do one of those crazy 5k races with obstacles and whatnot, and I need to get my butt in shape, or…
  • I did a little research. Supposed to do it every day for 30 days. 10 days on level 1, 10 days on level 2, and 10 days on level 3. The website I was on did say that if the first level is too hard, to stay on that level until you're comfortable to move up. Also, if you want to lose the 20 pounds that it claims is possible,…