In an Exercise Slump

I hate doing it and only last consistently for 2 months or so.
This time using MFP I learned about nutrition with the exercise and actually produced results.

Unfortunately even that isn't enough to want to go back to the gym or do anything else.

Not sure how to get past this. Any ideas other than "Just Do It"?


  • skb12573
    skb12573 Posts: 202 Member
    Go back to 5k but attatch meaning to it -sign up for a few 5Ks. Many worthy causes have races out there. Don't give up. Keep looking for your niche! I hate exercise too and have never been a runner! But I have 3 5Ks scheduled for breast cancer and one for another charity and I will NOT give up on running!
  • kinzytg
    kinzytg Posts: 42
    Try and find someone to exercise with (run, a class, walk, anything), it might be more work and planning to meet up but it will be more fun.

    PS love your profile pic
  • kace406
    kace406 Posts: 80 Member
    I've been there. I've gone up and down with my weight in the past 6 years (since graduating from college) and this time I'm losing weight the slowest, but I'm the most consistent.

    What's worked for me with exercise this time was to, at the beginning, force myself to go. I set up a weekly routine on a google doc that I share with a friend who checks in on it to help motivate me. I also experimented with different kinds of exercise...a 6 week bootcamp class, I bought a bicycle, I finally learned how to swim, I tried hot yoga. I wanted to find my 'soul mate' workout. Right now, I'm running 3 days a week, doing hot yoga a couple of times a week, and swimming once a week. I'll change it up in the fall and do bootcamp again, but the point is to find something you like to do, so you don't dread doing it. This is the first time in my life where I legitimately want to work out.

    It's taken 7 months to even get close to that point, so I'd say stick with it, try something new, and get someone to help motivate you in whatever way would help you.
  • sarahjay1
    sarahjay1 Posts: 175 Member
    Go to the fitness and nutrition thread and find a "challenge" (e.g. so many minutes per week, so many calories burned per week, so many times going to the gym in a month". That may help. Also try to flind a group with a challenge. I am doing the 30 Day Shred and my group is really motivating me to just do it everyday. Ooops, I said "just do it"... :smile:
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    I dont have any advice other than maybe trying something new.
    Iv just realised I live 3 mins away from a river. Im slacking on exercise at the moment but I think its because I was not well Wednesday-Sunday last week and still feel very drained.
    I'm thinking I might go for a quick walk by the river tonight just to get some fresh air.
    Maybe look some video's up on Youtube to do at home - 20 mins is better than nothing
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I hate doing it and only last consistently for 2 months or so.
    This time using MFP I learned about nutrition with the exercise and actually produced results.

    Unfortunately even that isn't enough to want to go back to the gym or do anything else.

    Not sure how to get past this. Any ideas other than "Just Do It"?

    Find an activity you really enjoy, then you will find it is a pleasure rather than a chore to do.

    Going to the gym isn't everybody's cup of tea, the same as running or swimming isn't to the enjoyment of some people.
  • SassieChik03
    SassieChik03 Posts: 39 Member
    I struggle with this as well... I've had a really difficult time staying motivated and committed to my dieting and exercising. Finding accountability partners really have helped me in the past, but it has been difficult for me to find someone to stick it out with me the entire time. I have found that posting pictures of the body that I want on my phone and computer are really great motivators, along with encouraging quotes. Here are a few of my favorites:

    Don't wish for it, work for it!
    Unless you puke, faint, or die, keep going!
    You have to suck it up if you want to stop sucking it in.

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like. Good Luck!
  • NeverGoingToQuit
    NeverGoingToQuit Posts: 49 Member
    Try finding fun exercises to do. I hate going to the gym because I am bigger and everyone there is smaller. I feel like they are looking at me. I found that I really enjoy work out DVD's that are fun and exciting. I use the Dancing with the Stars workout (learning how to do some of the dances from the show), The Dirty Dancing work out (songs from the movie turned into a workout), Tae Bo, and the Wii is a wonderful workout tool if you have one. Just Dance 2 has a program called Sweat points. It helps count calories. You just take the total of the sweat points, say it’s 1000, and divide it by 4.2(for every 4.2 sweat points you burn is equivalent to one calorie). So you just burned roughly 238 calories.

    If you have a park close by and enjoy walking, it is a great workout. Biking is also another workout. And don’t forget if you cleaning it counts as calories burned, preparing meals counts as calories burned. There are a lot of things that can justify as a workout in my opinion. If I clean my house for an hour (moving things, scrubbing floors, counters, stove, running sweeper etc) I count it towards my workout because by the time I am done, I am sweating and feeling good. There are a lot of ways to work out without going to the gym. I hope this helps!
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Dont look at exercise as just gym or running or JM cardio workouts. Try something fun - sign up for a rock'n'roll dance class .... join an orienteering group..... rock climbing club .... snorkelling class.
  • Hownow37
    Hownow37 Posts: 14 Member
    100 degree weather with no end in site has put a damper on everyone's effort around here! Even walking the dog for 30 minutes at 5am is miserable but I know that effort is the best I can do for him and myself right now.

    So do what you can do when you can, watch out for boredom eating and don't feel guilty about it!

    Liz W.
  • stylistchik
    stylistchik Posts: 1,436 Member
    I'm with you. WHen I get like this I just have to find something to keep moving - no matter what. If I don't feel like lifting, I'll go for a run. If I don't feel like running, I'll go for a long walk. If it's too hot to be outside I'll dust off a DVD I haven't done in a while, anything that is different than what I have been doing. Something new is good too, sign up for a race or a class. Talk a friend into it to keep each other motivated. You can do it!!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Look into Primal Blueprint Fitness. You don't have to follow the Primal Blueprint lifestyle - but it helps. It just a short sprint every 7-10 days. A half-hour strength session (using basic Primal Movements like squats, pullups, pushups, plank) 2-3x a week (up to you). The rest is just staying active. Walking, gardening, housecleaning (rather than sitting all the time).

    I found that when I went Primal (Mark's Daily Apple) I didn't have to do nearly as much exercise. I'm maintaining weight right now but the only thing that affects the scale for me is carbs (my fat intake is around 65%-70% of my calories). I don't have a routine (the body just adapts to routine anyway. By the end of 6 weeks the body will be burning around 10% less calories doing the same exercise).

    Exercise can be fun if you make it feel like play rather than work.
  • DarkFlutter
    DarkFlutter Posts: 408 Member
    Thanks for the thoughts.

    I did do C25K...though only made it through the end of week 5.

    I have tried different DVDs at home...but they just don't seem to work for me. I worry more that I am doing something incorrectly.

    This morning I went for a quick walk around the park. Walked as fast as I could...which apparently isn't fast at all. But still burned 100 calories. So I may try to do that in the mornings now.

    Hot weather also totally affects me. I don't want to move. I don't want to eat. Yesterday was so hot (119 in some areas around me) that I didn't have the energy to drink water...though I did get 8 glasses in by the end of the day.

    I just can't seem to find that thing it really gets me going...and keeps me going.
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 472 Member
    I'm with you. WHen I get like this I just have to find something to keep moving - no matter what. If I don't feel like lifting, I'll go for a run. If I don't feel like running, I'll go for a long walk. If it's too hot to be outside I'll dust off a DVD I haven't done in a while, anything that is different than what I have been doing. Something new is good too, sign up for a race or a class. Talk a friend into it to keep each other motivated. You can do it!!

    ^^^ This. When it comes to exercise I like to have a routine but then I get bored easily so if I've done a DVD, then I'll break it up and then do a class, or just go walking. This is supposed to be a complete lifestyle change not something temporary so it's all about variety.
  • krayzeekris
    krayzeekris Posts: 20 Member
    I'm with you. WHen I get like this I just have to find something to keep moving - no matter what. If I don't feel like lifting, I'll go for a run. If I don't feel like running, I'll go for a long walk. If it's too hot to be outside I'll dust off a DVD I haven't done in a while, anything that is different than what I have been doing. Something new is good too, sign up for a race or a class. Talk a friend into it to keep each other motivated. You can do it!!

    ^^^ This. When it comes to exercise I like to have a routine but then I get bored easily so if I've done a DVD, then I'll break it up and then do a class, or just go walking. This is supposed to be a complete lifestyle change not something temporary so it's all about variety.

    ^^^Yup, I'm with them. Change it up, look for something fun. Get a buddy to keep you motivated and accountable. And don't give up!! :)