6Sarah4 Member


  • I find I have to 'trick' my brain into exercising without it realising. I moved into my first house and had to really clamp down on spending so cycling to work was far cheaper than driving - I convinced my brain I couldn't afford the petrol (which I could) I've lost over 10kg since. I've plateaued now though - got another…
    in Blew it Comment by 6Sarah4 August 2016
  • Sounds like you may have a thyroid problem, you should get a blood test done. Your thyroid controls almost everything in the body and makes sure everything is balanced, if it is not working properly you could gain weight, have little energy, perhaps feel extremes of hot and cold at times, your appetite will probably be…
  • The Wii sports game is good, there is boxing, tennis, baseball, bowling and golf. You only need the wii remote for them - except for boxing you need the nuchuck as well but you actually burn a surprising amount of calories while having fun! I didn't actually think that was possible but there you go. Hop this helped
    in Wii? Comment by 6Sarah4 April 2011