

  • Chia seeds are expensive, however you only need 2 tablespoons for the chia pudding recipes that serves two (you won't believe how much they gel up) so you don't need alot for those.
  • Lyn-Genet advises against using ground flax due to high estrogenic properties and recommends sticking to whole flax. I sympathize with the challenge of schedule; getting time to sit, eat and chew can be a job in itself!
  • Have you tried the Chia Hemp Power Pudding for breakfast? It is ridiculously easy and very good. I bought the chia seeds and hemp online from Swansons.
  • I just started adding the Chia Power Pudding into my breakfast rotation-wow, yummy, easy and filling. If you haven't downloaded her cookbook off website, I highly recommend it-as well as the seasonal eating plans.
  • Biggest lifesaver has been finding Mixed baby kale in big bag at Costco. No prep, just throw in pan with other veggies and you're good to go. Another lifesaver for me has been the discovey that Killer Daves Spelt Bread works for me. I had a horrible detox day on day three,complete with fever. Achy and nauseous the next…
  • So glad to find this group. I am twenty days into The Plan, down 9.8 pounds. Haven't followed the days exactly but I am around day 14. Looking forward to sharing what I have learned and hearing others tips and experiences. Anyone who is just starting, this is the easiest way to lose weight, but the prep and shopping can be…
  • I am on day 20, slipped up two days, yet still down 9.8 lbs while enjoying my beloved red wine and chocolate every night (after three day cleanse). Highly recommend it!
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