DLongwell Member


  • I have an account on map my fitness - it says an hour long crossit class burns 500 some calories for someone my weight but, for example, todays wod was not quite17 minutes for me. We did do an easy warm-up but I doubt I burned 500 calories in that hour.
  • thank you.
  • Hi, I'm Dana. I've been doing this for a while but hardly ever get a chance to get involed with the online community and thought now is a good time to start.
  • Hi! I feel your pain; have a stress fracture on my 3rd metatarsal in my right foot. I'm on crutches and in a boot (to protect it i assume) non-weight bearing for 6 full weeks (i'm in my 3rd week - feels like 3rd year!). I have been swimming and deep water running, a little stationary bike/spinning (no standing) and using…
  • I too have a stress fracture in my foot. I am on crutches and a boot for 6 full weeks. Not fun at all. I have been deep water running and swimming at the pool at our local YMCA. Also, I will do the machines at the Y where you are sitting down and not using my foot. I am to be non-weight bearing. Hope this helps....