

  • That's awesome. I did that in fall of 2010, then lost my motivation. I'm now attempting to get back on track. Do you mind if I add you to my friends list and use your success as motivation?
  • I can get obsessive like you and do it everyday, but don't discouraged doing it day by day. Everyone fluctuates. As mentioned I would only take it seriously once a week. Also make sure when you do that you weigh in at the same time of day each time. As I've noticed I tend to be slightly higher in the evening. So I only do…
  • Hello all. I'm also new to the MFP, giving it a try starting today. I saw this message board and thought I would jump in. Would anyone mind if I also jump in on this group of friends to get in some virtual motiviation and support to begin this journey and getting off my rump, which ain't getting any smaller by doing…