Hey, Check Out the New Kid

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." -- Michael Jordan

Good morning folks. I'm just really starting in on this MFP thing after countless nights of falling asleep to a mental refrain of "Tomorrow. Yeah, you'll start tomorrow." No more talk -- now, we're for real!

Anyway, just wanted to say hello and introduce myself, and also let anyone know I'm totally down for some mutual support in the form of friend requests, check-ins, etc. From my lurking around here over the past couple hours, it seems like the people who really embrace this as a team effort have a great chance of succeeding. So go team!


  • amstringham
    Hey there new kid, I'm new too! I just started on MFP on Thursday. Feel free to add me! I do believe this journey is a bit less scary and intimidating with supportive friends to encourage you along the way.
  • timaeus_drache
    timaeus_drache Posts: 104 Member
  • ebsthename
    Feel free to add me.... It is a team effort, it makes this journey that much easier. To see people trying to reach some of the same goals you are trying to obtain.
  • coliema
    coliema Posts: 7,646 Member
    Welcome! It's always easier to get the motivation with a good support system! Feel free to add and Good luck on your journey of weight loss!
  • vg_2012
    Hey there! I've only been on MFP for a couple weeks but love it so far. The support is great on here. Feel free to add me. Good luck!
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    Add me! The support here is great! Welcome aboard! :flowerforyou:
  • doingit4me37
    I'm new today! I have told myself just about about every Monday more "this is it!!!" only to fail by Wednesday. Feel free to add me and begin this journey!!!
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Love the quote! feel free to add and let's get awesome!
  • vanessairene
    vanessairene Posts: 104 Member
    Hey New Kid!

    Thanks for that MJ quote.

    I'm new kid, too! Just started today as well. I'm also looking for a support system and decided to try out MFP. My "get back to me" journey started this time last year and I lost 26 pounds on my own. I let myself down and gained 11 back. Now I"m on a mission to lose that 11 plus 11 more and this time with help and support.

    Add me!
  • Alexagetsfit
    Alexagetsfit Posts: 313 Member
    I can definitely get behind someone who quotes MJ. Welcome!
  • doreenwc
    doreenwc Posts: 13 Member
    New to the forums here myself and after lossing 147 lbs with support, I know support is IMPERATIVE :) I sent an add request :)
  • timaeus_drache
    timaeus_drache Posts: 104 Member
    This welcome is great! This afternoon's workout will be dedicated to all the awesome folks on MFP!
  • flstarlady65
    Hello new kid. I have been on here for a while but just decided this year was it. I truly do love the support and "team effort" that you receive. Feel free to add me..I need more friends.
  • schwentc
    Hello all.
    I'm also new to the MFP, giving it a try starting today. I saw this message board and thought I would jump in. Would anyone mind if I also jump in on this group of friends to get in some virtual motiviation and support to begin this journey and getting off my rump, which ain't getting any smaller by doing nothing. LOL.