In response to OP - I believe this is the news she was referring to: Last edited Fri Jun 15, 2012, 09:50 AM USA/ET - Edit history (2) from ThinkProgress: Jun 15, 2012 at 9:26 am President Obama will announce a new immigration policy…
Hey everyone! I was just talking to my really good friend about how I've slacked on exercising, so this could not have come at a better time. I'm in!!! Week # 1 -- April 2nd -- Goal 220 minutes: 4/2 Mon: 4/3 Tue: 4/4 Wed: 4/5 Thur: 4/6 Fri: 4/7 Sat: Sun: Total minutes completed: Minutes left or exceeded:
Dear Son, "It's not 'peanuts.' It's penis." "Your eyes do not make you look like a girl." "A 45-minute long song about a superhero killing a gigantic robot will probably not make it on Broadway, even though the way you act it all out is quite entertaining."
I can see all the pics just fine :-) You're doing great! What I also love to do is not focus so much on weight as inches. Even though you may only lose a few pounds, you may lose a lot more in inches. I read on here the other day (can't remember who - sorry!) that she measures weight loss in sticks of butter. One stick of…
Because some of us want large families. :) I only have one right now, and my husband and I are facing infertility issues (which could be solved by losing weight according to my doctor - thus my decision for a change of lifestyle). It's one thing to make the choice to cap our family at a certain number of children, whether…
Fuji for sweetness & Braeburn if I want a little more tart
I don't know if anyone else has this problem, but this is mine. I can only drink certain types of bottled water, and I can't even bear drinking out of the tap. I can taste the chemicals or minerals or whatever it is in the different waters. Now, I only drink anything labeled "spring" water. Filtered water, purified water,…
Oh my goodness! He's SOOOOO cute!!! I just wanna squeeze him :-D Aren't animals the absolute best?
I liked the chocolate dip (not the syrup) to put on strawberries. I would pop them in the freezer til the chocolate was hardened. It was a nice treat. The ranch dressing wasn't too bad, but it didn't taste anything like regular ranch. Other than those two, I didn't like anything else. I still have the caramel dip in my…
christibam - That is a great idea! It's kind of like writing a letter to your future self, but with upgrades, LOL. Please bear with me...I'm trying to figure this Forum thing out, and I'm having a heck of a time! I was trying to quote, but it's deleting the fact that it was quoted. Maybe it's the browser I'm using?
That's very inspirational :-) I'm thinking of adding it to my goal poster I'm gonna hang right beside my bed.
:-) Your post made me smile! I am doing this for me. I am doing this for ME. I AM doing this for ME!!!!! I guess what I meant was that my doctor finally helped me realize the seriousness of the matter. She also pretty much told me that I will not have any more children if I don't do what I need to do. Which made me cry,…
Thank you everyone for the friend invites, and I can't wait to get to know all of you! Please don't think me rude if I did not send you a return message with your friend request. I was trying to keep up with all of it at once - I got overwhelmed and can respond to some, but I lost track of who asked/said what. So if you…
Oh my word! Thank you everyone for the very quick responses and the friend requests! Loving this site even more now :)