Need to lose about 150 lbs



  • Welcome to MFP! I am here to tell you that you CAN live well with hypothyroidism, and you CAN lose weight. It's a challenge, but it's doable. I am on my own journey living with it, but I am slowly whipping it into submission. My sis has PCOS, and she has been able to conceive and now runs marathons - it's all about great care and support. This forum is a true blessing - most of the members will support you through more than you could ever imagine.
  • Do you have the drive and motivation to lose and change our life once and for all? You said that the doctor ordered you to lose weight?! That should leave your vocabulary, and you should start saying you are losing weight for you and ONLY YOU!!!! I have did the same thing as you throughout my life, and this is the first time I said, " I'm not going through a break up, or not doing because of the put downs, but I'm doing this for me, and to prove to myself that life is more then just a cookie fix!!!" I have had very trying times in my journey, and I've been very stressed lately etc, but I have not fallen off the wagon once, and I have made my mind up this is a life change!! I am around your age, and don't have or know if I can have kids. My doctor told me the same thing as you, and it has taken me a couple years to finally make a change for me!!! Keep logging your food and exercise, and we will all be here to support you!! MFP really helped me in my journey!! And if one day you don't make it to the gym, or feel like a break from's ok, but get back to it the next day! LOG all of your calories NO MATTER WHAT!!! It keeps you very accountable!!!
  • Welcome! Feel free to add me as well. We have similar goals!
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me. I'm a SAHM with 4kids and can always add someone to support. I love cooking and sometimes will share a recipe. You can do this if you really want to but you have to really want it for you, no one and nothing but you.
  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Sometimes it takes a scare from our Dr to get us moving, you can do this, check out the recipe section there are some great recipes and snack ideas. Read the message boards for lots of motivations, this is a wonderful site with a lot of wonderful people and whats nice we are all here for the same reason... You can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am trying to get under 200 as well, trying to manage asthma and respiratory problems through diet and exercise and love desserts and to snack late at night. I agree that this is a wonderful site with a lot of wonderful people. I have found great recipes and even added a couple. Last night I made Curried Chicken Breast. It was great and my wonderfully fit retired marine loved it as well. You can do it!
  • Lorie269
    Lorie269 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi. I haven't been under 200lbs since I was in high school. My mom was recently diagnosed as Type 2 diabetic and it scared the pants off of me. She was always overweight and now that I outweigh her, it was the kick I needed to start my journey. Feel free to add me. We need all the motivation and support we can get.
  • sandra80
    sandra80 Posts: 308 Member
    you can do it!!!!!!!!
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    I only need to lose half a pound more than you! It seems like such a huge mountain to get over to lose pretty much half your body weight but it CAN be done.

    The best advice I can give you is to not look at that giant mountain. Ever. Instead of thinking, "Oh my god... how am I going to do this forever?" DON'T! Just tell yourself that you just have to do it today. One day isn't so bad, right? Tomorrow, wake up and tell yourself the same thing.

    It might take one year, it might take ten years. But however long it takes, it's something that NEEDS to be done one day at a time. Sure, it's great to plan out for further in the week and month... but don't get discouraged when you start to doubt if you'll actually ever finish. (Trust me, it'll come at some point)

    Good luck!!! You can add me if you want and you can always message me if you need anything. :)
  • MomofAnt
    MomofAnt Posts: 16 Member
  • MomofAnt
    MomofAnt Posts: 16 Member
    Do you have the drive and motivation to lose and change our life once and for all? You said that the doctor ordered you to lose weight?! That should leave your vocabulary, and you should start saying you are losing weight for you and ONLY YOU!!!! I have did the same thing as you throughout my life, and this is the first time I said, " I'm not going through a break up, or not doing because of the put downs, but I'm doing this for me, and to prove to myself that life is more then just a cookie fix!!!" I have had very trying times in my journey, and I've been very stressed lately etc, but I have not fallen off the wagon once, and I have made my mind up this is a life change!! I am around your age, and don't have or know if I can have kids. My doctor told me the same thing as you, and it has taken me a couple years to finally make a change for me!!! Keep logging your food and exercise, and we will all be here to support you!! MFP really helped me in my journey!! And if one day you don't make it to the gym, or feel like a break from's ok, but get back to it the next day! LOG all of your calories NO MATTER WHAT!!! It keeps you very accountable!!!

    :-) Your post made me smile! I am doing this for me. I am doing this for ME. I AM doing this for ME!!!!!

    I guess what I meant was that my doctor finally helped me realize the seriousness of the matter. She also pretty much told me that I will not have any more children if I don't do what I need to do. Which made me cry, because I want to have a house full of children. So when I say my doctor ordered me (she did), I look at it as my wake-up call.

    Thanks for the advice and the encouragement! And congrats on your weight loss - absolutely amazing!
  • MomofAnt
    MomofAnt Posts: 16 Member
    I only need to lose half a pound more than you! It seems like such a huge mountain to get over to lose pretty much half your body weight but it CAN be done.

    The best advice I can give you is to not look at that giant mountain. Ever. Instead of thinking, "Oh my god... how am I going to do this forever?" DON'T! Just tell yourself that you just have to do it today. One day isn't so bad, right? Tomorrow, wake up and tell yourself the same thing.

    That's very inspirational :-) I'm thinking of adding it to my goal poster I'm gonna hang right beside my bed.
  • weightloss43154
    weightloss43154 Posts: 203 Member
    welcome, I have sent you a friends request :smile:
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    I only need to lose half a pound more than you! It seems like such a huge mountain to get over to lose pretty much half your body weight but it CAN be done.

    The best advice I can give you is to not look at that giant mountain. Ever. Instead of thinking, "Oh my god... how am I going to do this forever?" DON'T! Just tell yourself that you just have to do it today. One day isn't so bad, right? Tomorrow, wake up and tell yourself the same thing.

    That's very inspirational :-) I'm thinking of adding it to my goal poster I'm gonna hang right beside my bed.


    There's something that I also need to do for myself that you may want to look into. I'm going to make a video recording of myself, to my future self. I basically plan on talking like I'm talking to an entirely different person rather than just myself... because I basically will be an entirely different person by the time I'm done. I'm going to make it and say all sorts of things like "Don't even let yourself get like me again...", "Look how far you've come." etc. Then I'll watch it a year from now and probably cry like the little girl I am.
  • beachgrad05
    beachgrad05 Posts: 85 Member
    To anyone who is in this boat (I need to lose 100 lbs)....I have friends who are recommending me to change my diet to a plant-strong diet. One friend lost over 100 lbs by doing this. Highly recommend watching the movie "Forks Over Knives" which can be streamed on Netflix, read the book "Forks Over Knives". This same friend also works with Engine 2 Diet....which also has a book/plan. Both books have great recipes. (I just got the books last week). I have yet to make the full committment but I plan on doing the Engine 2 challenge soon.
  • 4munchiemum
    4munchiemum Posts: 2 Member
    Hi and welcome. I joined up yesterday and already received amazing support and encouragement. I too have over 100lbs to lose for health reasons as well. Send friend request would like to encourage you on your journey..:smile:
  • MomofAnt
    MomofAnt Posts: 16 Member
    christibam -
    That is a great idea! It's kind of like writing a letter to your future self, but with upgrades, LOL.

    Please bear with me...I'm trying to figure this Forum thing out, and I'm having a heck of a time! I was trying to quote, but it's deleting the fact that it was quoted. Maybe it's the browser I'm using?