tamiehelt Member


  • I do fluctuate quite a bit for 121, between 2 - 4 lbs. I'm lightest after a workout.
  • Try adding a protein shake. I use whey powder with milk, ice and a banana in a blender. That puts on about 450, of what I consider productive, calories.
  • No doubt! I had a butt all of my life and lost it when I got down to about 122. For me the bubble on the top portion is what disappeared. I've begun to incorporate, I'm not sure the name for it so I'll describe it, on my knees and elbows, pull one knee forward and then back to a straight leg, lifting it as high as I…
  • As an American, my impression is that it is anything other than black; cream, milk or non-dairy creamer. I say 'with cream and sugar' but typically use milk rather than 'cream'.
  • I'm not a gym person either. I'm not embarrased per se but do not feel like I work as hard as I can with people around. I get bored on a stairmaster and find it hard to stay motivated. I do my workouts exclusively at home to videos and have weights for my arm routine. I've found a few great videos at www.hulu.com, a free…
  • hulu.com has a variety of great workouts. Here's a link to Gentle Yoga Part 1, http://www.hulu.com/watch/154810/yoga-zone-gentle-yoga-part-1. You may have to modify the movements initially to suit your needs but eventually you can build to the full pose.
  • 74 and rainy in Nashville.
  • For me somewhere between 4 and 6 but it is more about getting rid of the cellulite than the size.