

  • Yes you do Epetrovich!!! Thanks for the encouragement!!!
  • Feel free to add me!!! I log almost everyday, I miss occasionally, but for the most part I'm here!!!! Good luck with your weight loss!!!!
  • I too quit smoking 3 yrs ago! Congrats, it's not easy!!! I quit cold turkey. Actually I was sick with a non functioning gallbladder. No stones, just didn't work properly. Had all the pain, nausea, etc....I had lost weight and quit smoking, but when I got that gallbladder out and felt better, it was on. I mean on, the…
  • When I get to a plateau, I up my calories (or cheat) for a day or two and then go back to my 1200 calories/day! And I'll lose a pound or two. If I get stuck again, I do the same thing. Hope that helps. Oh and I guess I need to mention, I don't exercise due to back problems, but I try to stay busy doing every day chores!
  • My doctor says he tells all his patient's to eat the amount of calories that you want to weigh ...example....if you want to weigh 120 1200 calories per day....if you want to weigh 1500 calories per day and so on. Personally, I want to weigh as close to 150 as I can get. But I want to lose fast , so…
  • Started at 198.....I'm at 193 now. Was 172 a year ago. UGH!! Felt decent at 170, but I'm aiming for 150!! At 150 I feel GREAT!!!!