New Grandpa tired of being pregnant



  • bambamz
    bambamz Posts: 6
    I too quit smoking 3 yrs ago! Congrats, it's not easy!!! I quit cold turkey. Actually I was sick with a non functioning gallbladder. No stones, just didn't work properly. Had all the pain, nausea, etc....I had lost weight and quit smoking, but when I got that gallbladder out and felt better, it was on. I mean on, the weight and eating anything I wanted just because I could. Plus I'm sure not smoking had some to do with it. But now, this weight has to go. I had never been this heavy before in my entire life. I'm actually down 20 pounds, but didn't start on here until I had lost 5 pounds already. I log daily, sometimes I forget to finish it at night, but I do check everyday on here to see what's going on!
    I feel so much better already! The clothes are fitting again. I have energy that I didn't have before. I don't exercise due to back problems. But I try to stay active everyday doing something. My latest projects, have been painting the kitchen, dining room, bath, and our bedroom.
    Anything I can do to help you, just holler!!!! It is great getting encouragement from people that are all striving to eat healthier and lose the weight! Good luck and look forward to seeing you lose!! Pun intended!!!! LOL!!!
    Oh I also wanted to tell you that I love chocolate and need it almost everyday, so since I know I'm going to eat it, I just incorporate it into my daily calories. So that would be my advise to you, if there is something that is hard to live without, plan for it and then enjoy it. I also have one cheat day a week. I don't go way overboard, but I do blow out my 1200 calories. Usually around 1500. So allow yourself a treat once in awhile. Moderation is the key!!! Good luck!!!
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    I'm the grandmother of six so I understand. I quit smoking three weeks ago and its still hard but I'm doing it in conjunction with MFP. I 'm making an entire lifestyle change all the way around. I'll send you a friend request - we can both use the motivation and support.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Look at my name on here and you'll know why I laughed when I read your Topic Title! I'm a new grandma, well sort of. One lil guy is 2 and the other is 8 weeks. And, yes, like you I looked like the pregnant one. I've lost over 30lbs now and it really hasn't been that hard. I really enjoy being a grandma and I hope I end up with a dozen grandkids!
    If you want, add me as a friend and I'll try to help motivate you. Good luck!
  • Coppsj02
    Coppsj02 Posts: 5 Member
    First, as a granddaughter, I'd like to say, good job on quitting smoking! I wish my grandfather would have done it sooner!

    Second, congrats on the new grandbaby! Those are always exciting. My mom and step-dad have a new grandbaby in their lives, and I've seen the efforts they make to clean up when they know he's going to be around.

    Trying to choose healthier options isn't as easy as one would think, but then again, that's what we have a community for! I wish you lots of luck and enjoy the grand daughter because they tend to grow up fast!
  • rehtaeh78
    rehtaeh78 Posts: 90
    Some great advice given already, and if it hasn't been said before: Keep your sense of humor! It'll get you through the tough times and when you do slip it'll allow you to pick yourself up and carry on :)
  • whitetiger011680
    whitetiger011680 Posts: 218 Member
    Congratulations on the new addition to the family and the decision to become healthier! Just a suggestion....offer to baby sit 2-3 days a week (or as often as possible) and on those days grab the stroller and go on long walks. Good for you and baby. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • mustangbass
    mustangbass Posts: 18 Member
    Count every calorie - get off the couch and on your feet. I like to visualize how I will look and how I feel so much better without the extra weight. Good luck Grandpa.