ririwhitepaws Member


  • Thanks guys, the thought of eating more calories worries me even though I understand the principle. I am frequently below my net intake but not ridiculously so.
  • Thank you for taking the time to reply. I didn't realise that you could plateau so early on. Feeling disheartened.
  • I feel your pain and fully agree. Felt like that every day until only a couple of weeks ago when I changed my mindset. Don't know if you have faith, but I spoke to God and myself and found a much better headspace. Who cares what other people think or say, look after the one and only vessel you have to travel through this…
  • Well said! My grandmother seems to think its her duty to comment on the size of all three of my girls (they are all average!). She means no harm but it is frustrating and my oldest daughter is already convinced she is fat due to some nasty girls at her school. Will take up one poiunt though. I work in a school in Suffolk…
  • Hi there, just joined literally an hour ago and have discovered that I'm actually a lazy pig! Think this might be a good motivator. Looking at your post, I'm now thinking I should set myself a target.