Cameronzmum Member


  • Hang in there, no your not that. You are beautiful and the more you exercise and watch what you eat and everything. The more so you will get. Not that I myself have room to talk. I been on this site off and on for a few years. And I'm a bipolar I mother of 4 (5 year old, a 3 year old a soon to be 14 month old and a soon to…
  • Maybe he is just jealous of how you are going to look when you get down to goal weight (if not there already). And that he's afraid he might lose you and you'd end up moving on with someone else instead of him. That and once in awhile wants to sneak some junkfood. If you don't already give yourself a cheat meal/snack/not…
  • I'm to the point I started drinking only tea about a month ago. And had an 8oz soda tuesday night and (TMI I Know) I ended up sick over soda. Mine also is green tea (with lemon and honey and antioxidents). As well as today started green coffee bean extract this afternoon (like 5 o clock) and here it is 11:15 and I'm still…
  • Don't I know the feeling. Eatting that way then when I'm doing something I will get my side pinched. Its like feel like saying "thanks for reminding me about my weight'. Or they say they want to do that with you for bugging then when push comes to shove you end up doing it yourself anyhow.
  • Well for one don't mention anything about HER weight. And when suggesting exercises and such. Ask her to go on a "romantic" walk with you. That way it still counts as some exercise she's getting plus it may or may not ease your mind a little bit. Maybe even find some healthy recipes, and possibly suggest she "try" a bite…
  • I'm 27 feel free to add me anyone!
  • Try getting an infant carrier and carry your baby around when you want to go walking or exercise. I find that works good for bonding. And sometimes if you have the weight of the baby on you, you may burn 1 or 2 more calories than exercise alone.
  • Those kind of things are inaccurate. Unless you have a way of inputting your weight resistance etc. Because you have to have one that allows you to use your current weight in order to be most helpful