Have a 6 month old baby and a way older weight problem

I am looking for support and ideas that will help with losing weight. I have a lot to lose and I am an emotional/boredom eater. I developed severe high blood pressure after having my baby girl and need this weight gone so I can be weaned off the meds. I have found that time is hard to come by when you have a little one and any suggestions would be great! :wink:


  • christinerush
    Hi there and welcome! I would suggest you get some protein powder as it keeps you full and you eat less! I like Body Science shaping protein for woman and its in the supermarkets. I use a scoop of that on my oats and water in place of skim milk, lovely and creamy, keeps me full and less calories. They also make lite bites, which are only 10 calories each and once again are very dense and fill you up for a snack. Sort of a fake chocolate hit and they are full of protein. I also put half a scoop of the powder into yoghurt. Hope this helps! I forgot to mention a heart rate monitor if you can afford one as then when you walk, you know how fast you need to have your heart rate up to lose weight! I had been doing 8 kms a day and not losing much and now with that, I am walking about 5km at a faster rate and the weight is finally starting to move and measurements are getting smaller! :happy:
  • Cameronzmum
    Cameronzmum Posts: 10 Member
    Try getting an infant carrier and carry your baby around when you want to go walking or exercise. I find that works good for bonding. And sometimes if you have the weight of the baby on you, you may burn 1 or 2 more calories than exercise alone.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    I find I burn loads of calories just walking about pushing the pushchair. I wear a Heart Rate Monitor (got it off eBay cheaper than the shops) and its amazing how much you will burn. Also like the other poster said, carrying your baby will burn extra cals ;0)