findusfaithful18 Member


  • Do you pump at all? Pumping can help give you an idea of how much milk you're producing on your current program. Also, pay extra attention to your baby's hunger cues. If he seems to be feeding more frequently, finishing faster, or being crankier, those are probably good indications that your supply isn't enough for him.…
  • Also, try pumping every now and then to get an idea of how much milk you are producing for each feeding. If you notice it starting to lag, that is another sign beyond your own hunger cues that you need more food or need to exercise less.
  • I'm in my ninth month of breastfeeding, as well as losing weight. I had a C-section, so I couldn't exercise until about 3 months after my son was born, so I was a little further along than you are now before starting up. I would ask you to think about what your goals are for breastfeeding primarily. If you want to…
  • I'm not sure there's a straight, black-and-white answer on this. For sure, the amount of calories you consume directly correlates to your weight. You DO need to understand how many your body needs, how many you're actually eating, etc. That's why calorie counting is SO effective for both weight loss and weight gain.…
  • I would love to join! Thanksgiving is right near my son's one-year birthday, so my goal is to be back to my pre-pregnancy weight by then! 15 lbs, here we go! :D I also want to fit into my pre-pregnancy jeans...
  • I hear ya! Weight loss is rarely a once and done deal :) I lost about 30 pounds a few years ago in college, and got down to 135. I felt FANTASTIC! Then last year I became pregnant with our first child, and I quickly returned to my comfort eating habits. Any time I felt even slightly sad or tired or emotional or achy (which…
  • I'm in! I just started it up yesterday, so I'm right there with y'all!
  • I have to workout before I go to work. My job requires me to be on my feet the entire shift, so by the time I'm done with work I'm exhausted and don't have any energy left to workout. If it doesn't happen before work, it usually doesn't happen.
  • As a Starbucks supervisor, there is no way I'd ever give up coffee! :P However, I only allow myself to have 2-3 cups per day (this is generally considered by medical professionals to be a "good" amount of caffeine), and I drink it with just a tad of Splenda and a squirt of Coffee-Mate sugar-free hazelnut creamer. Or I'll…
  • I'm new to MFP, but if I understand correctly what they're doing, it's fine to go a little over the calorie limit they set. Basically you need to have a 500-calorie deficit each day in order to lose one pound in a week - whether that's through eating less or exercising more, you need to cut back 500 calories per day. MFP…
  • I think the advantage of the idea of "net calories" is that it trains that it is okay to eat more when you've done a hard workout (because your body needs the protein and vitamins back, otherwise you'll lose muscle and metabolism), but it also trains you to eat less on days you don't work out so you don't gain it all back.…
  • Chicken wings and breadsticks. Especially Olive Garden's breadsticks. I could eat my entire day's worth of calories in breadsticks. :D
  • I lost an inch off my waist! :D
  • Two suggestions that have worked for me: 1) Put somebody else in charge of your chocolate. My husband totally lets me have chocolate when I want it (the "everything in moderation" policy), but he gets to choose the size of the piece and doesn't let me have any more after that. It might seem a bit restrictive, but I've…
  • I definitely did allow myself to cheat yesterday - I had pasta salad, potato salad, and ice cream as my indulgences! However, I still made sure to track everything, to control my portions, and opted for sugar-free ice cream. My husband and I also parked far away from where the fireworks were going off, so we were able to…
  • Everybody has a hard time believing this, but I'm actually allergic to regular refined sugar. If I were to eat even a teaspoon of regular sugar, all of my muscles start to ache and feel heavy, I'll sleep for 12 hours a night plus need naps throughout the day, and the symptoms will last 2-3 days. Basically it makes me…