Starting again...

I Joined MyFitnessPal 3 years ago. At the time I weighed 225 Lbs and was so unhappy with how I looked, felt and how overweight I was. Every time I saw a picture of myself looking really chubby I would make excuses to myself that it was just a 'bad angle' or the outfit I was wearing was 'unflattering'. Eventually it got to the point where it was OBVIOUS that I was just plain old fat! Anyway, I decided to get a personal trainer, really watch what I ate and succeeded in losing 39 Lbs. I was really happy and just wanted to lose another 20Lbs or so to reach my goal weight....

AND THEN...suddenly my life became extremely stressful. Work became C.R.A.Z.Y and I was stressed to the point of tears on an almost daily basis. On top of that I decided to get a Masters degree (in the hope of getting a better job that I didn't hate so much). I loved studying but over the last two years the combination of studying part time in the evenings and weekends, combined with having a new job has just meant that watching my food intake has gone out the window. i still exercise once a week but I couldn't squeeze in exercise more often because I would use up all my evenings preparing for my lectures, reading and writing assignments. I just handed in my dissertation 3 days ago, working on that ment I was even more stressed and busy so I kept piling on the pounds and comfort eating when I realised how much I was gaining - it felt like a nightmare that was out of my control.

Unsurprisingly, I've re-gained a lot of weight - all in all about 21Lbs. I'm so heartbroken with the way I've slipped back to my old ways and embarrassed that I couldn't stop eating junk food and comfort eating. At my lowest weight my body felt tight and fit, now I feel like every part of me shakes when I move. I feel really sluggish and out of shape.

Anyway. Since handing in my dissertation I want to give my health and fitness 100% attention. I never thought I would have to 'start again' but I'm trying to stay motivated and not make the same mistakes again. Anyone else in a similar situation? I'm looking forward to getting back to my old self. I know my main challenge is food so I have some emotional battles ahead...

wishing you all the best in your goals!


  • brandiofLA
    brandiofLA Posts: 16 Member
    You and I have such a similar journey! I too started MFP lost about 20 lbs and then work happened and it was very stressful (still is - I work 10-11 hour days) and I gained all of it back a couple more. I'm now up to a whopping 228lbs (it's horrifying to even write that) - but yesterday was my first day back on my program.

    Today was my first day back at the gym and I'm trying to take it day by day and not dwell on what I did or did not do before.

    Feel free to add me if you're looking for an MFP buddy! I'm looking for similar support.

    We got this!
  • brittvas55
    brittvas55 Posts: 15 Member
    Same story. Lost about 20lbs and then gained 35lbs when I got two jobs and was getting ready to graduate. Luckily, I don't have to work as much and am focusing on my health again.
  • findusfaithful18
    findusfaithful18 Posts: 16 Member
    I hear ya! Weight loss is rarely a once and done deal :)

    I lost about 30 pounds a few years ago in college, and got down to 135. I felt FANTASTIC! Then last year I became pregnant with our first child, and I quickly returned to my comfort eating habits. Any time I felt even slightly sad or tired or emotional or achy (which was like all the time...) I turned to food. By the time I gave birth to our son, I was up to 207lbs - the first time in my life I've ever been over 200! I was so ashamed at how I had treated my body and where I had let myself get to. The first several months after my son was born I couldn't exercise at all because I had a C-section and even mild exercise would aggravate my incision. Once I COULD exercise I was still dealing with my new responsibilities as a mom and rarely found time to exercise, plus my comfort eating habits were there to console me anytime I was tired or cranky or just fed up with the baby's cries...

    What switched the light back on for me was a talk with my husband about when we wanted to have our next child. I knew I was not at a healthy weight to get pregnant again, so even though in my heart I am ready to have another baby, we've agreed that we need to wait until I can get back to a healthy weight. For my benefit AND for the baby's!

    So yes, here I am starting my weight loss journey all over again! :) It's been slow and steady, but I'm down to 169 and just about 15 pounds to go before my BMI is considered "healthy". Keep plugging away at it!!! Remember, it's a lifestyle, not just a 12 week program! :D
  • Riara11
    Riara11 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks guys! always good to know others are in the same boat!
  • gonzanab
    gonzanab Posts: 117 Member
    If first you don't succeed, try, try again. You should see this as just another positive to add to the other positives that have happened in your life. You found a new job, you have your Master's degree, and once you shed off the weight you want to lose, you'll be living the life. I think you should remember to take it a day at a time. Before you know it, you will lose more weight than you did the first time you tried.