

  • Mini bags of popcorn, The "Austin" cracker packs at Walmart... I think you pay like $1.88 for 12 packs of crackers... whats a bag of good candy cost these days? $7 or $8 right? $3 or $4 for the cheap junk candy... You can buy Boxes of Capri Suns... there are 10 in a box for $1.80 or so.... Puddings, Fruit Roll…
  • I buy the Fat free Kraft Zesty Italian Dressing... I measure it out, 1 serving is 2 Tablespoons, I use 4 Tablespoons... Its only 15 calories per serving... I also put my salad in a container with a lid and shake it after I put on the dressing so Its evenly distributed... For being an EX Ranch girl... ( I used to eat Ranch…
  • If you are feeling REALLY sick, you need to take a day off and rest... If you don't get enough rest you wont lose weight anyway and you will feel miserable to boot... If you are well enough to go to work, then just do a light workout. Don't push yourself as hard, but still participate in your exercise... Just take it easy.…
  • Feel Free. I'm an open book.
  • Well, I go to Curves 5 days a week, and I golf two or three times a week... Its too hot here to walk as well right now, but when it wasn't so hot yet, I would walk 5 miles two to three times a week as well. I think if you can handle it, the more the better... I wouldn't do anything that's going to hurt your back... My back…
  • Add me if you like. :)
    in hi Comment by santanagirl95 July 2012
  • I always eat some of them.. but not all of them... I find that if you DON'T increase your calorie intake with your exercise, your body thinks your starving and stops losing... Its worked for me... 5 1/2 months in ... 46 pounds lost....
  • well... start by eating 100-200 calories every 2 to 3 hours... A fiber one bar... an apple... some carrots (NO RANCH) some baked Chicken Strips, a Cucumber... I eat WAY more now than I EVER did before. I just don't eat JUNK. I even treat myslef to a Skinny Cow Truffle Ice cream bar occasionally (The Caramel ones are 100…
  • Hi! First of all, don't give up! It DOES get easier... I probably annoy everyone with my knowledge of how many calories are in EVERYTHING! lol... I have been using this app for 5 1/2 months and I have lost 46 pounds and 44 inches all over... You can do it! What I do to make it easier on myself is plan out what I am going…
  • For starters, Greek Yogurt is the most foul and disgusting crap I have ever tasted. I would just use low fat plain yogurt.. There are a lot less calories than the regular yogurt and guess what? Its not so disgusting! :) Better yet, go for the low fat flavored yogurt... and mix your protein powder in it.... I don't know. It…