

  • I didn't track Saturday or Sunday, and today I've eaten like crap, but still under my goal! Its amazing on days you really try, and you are over, and days like today where I just don't care, I still have a lot left!!!
  • I'm doing ok! I have my days where I eat really well, and days where I just eat junk. I have noticed a difference in my clothing and the way I look! DH has been very supportive, and since he is the cook in the house, he has been making healthier meals. We try to have a salad included in dinner everynight also. My total…
  • I feel the same way. I bust my butt working out, I stay within my calorie intake, and I also do protein shakes for breakfast. I even have the Jillian Michaels Body Revolution plan, and the weight still isn't coming off like I want it too!! Ugh
    in Struggling Comment by Foogazie May 2012
  • ummm...I just did this today, and it was tough!!! I did my other Jillian workout first though. And now I have to run....:sad:
  • I do, but as PP said, they hardly have any calories
  • I didn't realize it was something different everyday! LOL Go girl!
  • Excellent idea!! Hope I can remember to do this. Maybe this will be a quick and easy thing for me to do next week while I'm at Disney!!