Bible seems a little out of place in there...
Am I talking about something else? Hahaha
Lol, funny thread so far! When I was on my cut I didn't change mine all that much, started off with too much of a deficit though which I knew because I was dropping too much weight too quickly, so I added a couple hundred back on because I was afraid to loose muscle when I was dropping so quick. Started about a 600cal…
She stood up
Best physique, the end.
I'm an arm
Eat at a caloric deficit below your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE)...
Frankie lol
Like saying yeeeehaaaa!
Gym brah checking in.
there's lots of steak and bacon within you might be interested in purchasing one of these, though...
good stuff! was just a precautionary measure. you know what some people on here are like, haha!
ahh, that sucks!
Curvy - the thing that started a whole big argument earlier. LOLOL.
My favourite :love:
So stupid. You're blasting people for being healthy and in good shape, as if out of jealousy. People that are in shape, then decide to use this, like myself may have never worried about nutrition before. But now want to as it is of course very beneficial! Not just to 'out of shape' unhealthy people.
First 4 page post, woooo \o/
^no ones choosing one of these girls as a girlfriend/wife, it was asked which body type was preferred.
^This. People are allowed opinions. They're both nice looking girls, I find the one on the right a lot nicer. Others will find the one on the left a lot nicer. It doesn't mean different body types aren't good for different people lol. Also... What an idiot, you don't have to be unhealthy to use this. And it's a picture of…
What has that got to do with anything.. of course they wouldn't they don't know me. It was a simple question, to which people have answer one or the other, or in between. Always gonna be boring people that need to lighten up..
I think they both looks nice, but much prefer the 2nd one's body. lol, ok.
lol at the people that take things far too seriously
what a bore, you don't even know which one I prefer best
you can't tell what her personality is like through photos, so going by what looks better
Posts too long to read, but clown sex sounds funny lol
Am I the only one enjoying these meme's shock wave's slipping in? Lol
Well done, good luck on the next one!