jenhelle Member


  • I don't know about the jawbone up, but I really loved my fitbit, & found it to be as accurate as the bodybugg, aka body media. Didn't like the size of the arm band. Loved the small size of the fitbit, but it fell off my jeans, & is long lost =( I will get another one, but it gave me a really accurate average of what I…
  • Mark Rippletoe has some good videos on youtube too. I use a wider stance, & there is a pocket that I feel myself hinge into if that makes any sense. I think you should do as others have said, & hold on to something until you feel more comfortable.
  • New rules of Lifting for Women is a great beginning program. I would start there. Don't use the smith machin for squats. It is not the natural position fo your body. You will learn them wrong. Just my opinion.
  • ^ This. Get heavy enough weights that you can only do 5-10 reps with maximum effort. Do push-ups off a counter, bathtub, or steps. This makes you use your core muscles.
  • I was afraid of that. =-/
  • Haha. At least I am not alone =)
  • I think your intervals into your run can be considered HIIT if the intensity is enough.
  • Is running easy, or hard for you. My HR gets up to 190 when I run. The 133 # sounds low. It may be what another poster said, that you are really fit, so it is harder for you to burn. You may try some intervals to get your HR up more. The weightlifting should have been less though, so there may be something not right.
  • I don't think I will be able to help, but I am in the same boat. I am 5'2 at 138, & was 128 a couple of years ago. If anything, you could be overtraining. I have started doing what I did to get to 128 before. I am doing 40 minute sprints on the treadmill everyday. This week, I have started weights again, twice a week so I…
  • I keep dark chocolate squares in my fridge also. Had bites of my daughters ice cream this weekend. just made sure to watch it rest of the day. Don't get discouraged. EVERYBODY has those days.
  • I overpronate. My new shoes have less support that the first pair, so I did correct myself a little by wearing the rigt shoe. Don't know if you can completely correct it or not though.
  • Honestly, I think thier claims are a little reaching, but they may be factoring in the fact that it is like a weight training session in that you continue to burn calories after the workout is done.
  • The reason you do weights first is because you cardio can hinder your strength training. You won't lift as heavy if you are tired from cardio.