nmdreamer Member


  • Hey, I sent you a request. I'm always looking for new friends on here to motivate and support on our journeys.
    in Newbie Comment by nmdreamer June 2014
  • Hi everyone I log daily and need more friends who do the same, still scared to open up my food diary tho lol, add me :)
  • Hi everyone, I'm Tiffany. Officially diagnosed in January of this year after having a routine eye exam in December where I had papiledema in both eyes and a series of MRI and ct scans. I'm also a chronic migraine sufferer as well, so my head is always hurting. I'm on Diamox and Topamax. As of today I've lost almost 20…
  • Hi there. I also feel awful and in constant pain as well. I just started doing one of those Leslie Sansone Walking Slim DVD and it seems to be tolerable for me. I'm on Diamox and Topamax. The diamox has been causing my knees to hurt really bad. Unfortunately weight loss doesn't fix it for most people, I'm in support groups…
    in Exercise Comment by nmdreamer June 2014
  • I use the app all the time, but forget about the forums. I wish I could access it from the app.
    in support Comment by nmdreamer May 2014
  • Hey I'm new here, feel free to add me
  • My goal is to lose 100+ to get into my healthy range. Right now, I have 90 to go. Please Feel Free To Add Me. ....I'm really needing support.
  • Hi ladies, starting the journey to be healthy is easy for me, but I need some help sticking with it. I'm 2 weeks in this time:smile:
  • Hey boo. I accepted and you'll have this weight off in time for graduation! !! Just take it day by day.
  • Hi I'm Tiffany and I'll be a support to you, because I need all the help I can get as well. Ideally I need to lose 100 to get to my healthy weight range, but I am starting with a goal of 50. I have to hit 21 pounds by June 28 for a challenge at work, so far I'm at 6, but this weekend was hard so I'm not sure where I'll be…
  • I'm with you on that. I have to watch my sodium level as well. So i stay away from prepackaged foods. But it does make it harder choosing foods to eat