marklpotter Member


  • It's not my first rodeo on the meds, it is my first time caring about my health and the meds. I was on Vyvanse last time and didn't lose anything due to the fact I ate like crap all the time. It might have negated some gain but I didn't care about weight, health, or anything like that. The meds are like a gift from God for…
  • Thanks! I have a pretty well planned schedule so meal times are fairly set in stone. I'll have to worry about eating enough but not getting to the place (table or restaurant) where the food happens to be. I'm on a low does that seems to wear off about 3 PM for me so sleep hasn't been a problem yet, it's one of my favorite…
  • I still need to know if devices are going to compete for info in MFP. As in if I need to leave the FitBit at home when I'm using my HXM or not, that sort of thing.
  • I love the Zephyr I have. It works really easily with Endomondo which in turn ties in to MFP. My concern is using it along with an activity tracker. What I don't want is the activity tracker to conflict with what I'm already doing. If I have to take it off when I do cardio, that's fine. I'm a little bit of a data nerd so…
  • The Basis is out, no MFP sync. And I won't be going totally FitBit. I'll still be using an HRM for cardio so I guess a little experimentation is in order after I get a device. I really wish the Basis synced with MFP because I really like the wealth of information. So now it's down to FitBit or Withings.
  • Jefit currently doesn't have MFP integration, which I should have listed as the first criteria. It looks good but I don't think I'll ever do weight training. It is not that hard to learn either. I had a routine setup in about 15 minutes and then looked for MFP integration, only to be disappointed. It sucks because it's a…
  • I'll give that one a shot. I just figured out that the Runtastic apps don't advance the day if you don't do the workout so I can, for all intents and purposes, use them exactly like I want to. I just wish they were a little more customizable.
  • The only way to lose weight, period, is to take in less fuel than you expend. The debate about calorie counting isn't new and there are plenty of studies on both sides that can be trotted out to prove points. The article in question has both seemingly reliable and questionable resources. The cite a nutritionist, which is…