

  • I had a similar experience. I lost a baby at 24 weeks, a little boy too. Part of the problem with getting back into weight loss was that I was depressed and it is hard to find the will to loose weight when you are depressed, even if just a little. It is worse because you may even eat more when you have emotional eating…
  • so inspiring. Great job!
  • Yes, make room. Eat light all day and then have a bowl for dinner. As long as you don't do this everyday, it will only help you stay on track. I love the weight watchers treats too.
    in cravings Comment by hikerchic May 2012
  • Welcome!
    in Hi guys! Comment by hikerchic May 2012
  • inspiring...thanks
  • Add me. We can do this!
  • North Carolina...welcome. I love this site too!
    in Hello ... Comment by hikerchic May 2012
  • thanks for posting this...I need to do this.
  • Ha HA. Yes we love spandex even if we hide it under our clothes sometimes. Guilty as charged! Those drivers were probably thinking..."Why am I not out running. I am so lazy!"
  • Don't know if anyone put this one but "our best bites.com" has great stuff. Everything I've tried has been a winner!
  • Never done this, but what about popcorn on the fire like the Native Americans? Could be fun!
  • Me too. Two good weeks, two bad weeks. I've heard that exercising more the week before helps and makes up for feeling too crappy to workout the first few days. I do know that if you keep up what you do the two good weeks as best you can, it will show after your bad two weeks are over. Last month I had a 3pound loss right…
  • Is it possible to keep yourself busier? Find things to do instead of focusing on food all the time. I know its easier said than done.
  • weekends and holidays are so hard for me too. It can completely ruin your good week if you go overboard. Try filling your weekend with active things to make up for not being so correct with tracking. (ie exercise more on these days) Planning can help too. If you are going to the movies pack your own air popped popcorn and…
    in Help! Comment by hikerchic May 2012
  • I am about 90 overweight. I started doing Zumba on my xbox in Feb. I am pretty coordinated and it was easy to pick up the steps. In only a month I found I was able to do even more of the steps as I got into better shape. There are a few steps I have been "doing my own thing" with because I find it too hard to do at my…
  • I agree with the others. I have mine set to loose one pound a week and get to eat enough that I don't feel like I am dieting, never feel hungry and get to treat myself too. If calories are set too low you may not be able to stick with it that long. My mindset from the beginning has been to do this from now on so i can get…
  • I eat peanut butter on toasted sandwich thins. The protein holds me til 1 or 2pm. Sometimes I make it a sandwich by slicing an apple thin and putting it in between. I also drink a slimfast drink if nothing sounds good in the morning, but I think the peanut butter is healthier.
    in Breakfast Comment by hikerchic May 2012
  • I agree with bikerjewelz. I use them if nothing else sounds good and I don't want to waste my calories on other junk. I usually have a shake for breakfast.
  • thanks..I will have to look into getting one.
  • Me too...I'm new. I've lost 16 pounds but have a long way to go. Could use some friends.