jbrinda1 Member


  • 4/16 - Boston Marathon 5/12 - Tough Mudder (Pocono, PA) 7/12 - Boilermaker 15K (Utica, NY) 9/29 - Megatransect (Lock Haven, PA) Fill in the rest as it comes - stubborn post-tib tendonitis draggin me down right now. But good news is ridiculous warmth in Western NY right now, so outdoor cycling season started two months…
  • You have become bad *kitten*.
  • Check EBay. Most US. sellers should have no problem shipping to Canada. Save you some bucks. You might consider Garmin as well for GPS.
  • Aren't we supposed to be helping each other make smart choices? Just sayin' cool whip is junk. That's not opinion.
  • Cool whip is disgusting in any form. Read the ingredient label. Use real whipped cream if you are gonna splurge.
  • I would be careful with the cardio. You don't want all your running to be balls out hard core. IMHO, you should only have one true speed day a week and the rest should be good workouts, but not to leave you completely wiped out. If you push hard all the time you are asking for injury. Trust me, I've injured myself plenty.…
  • Great results! But, I am more interested in the BF% difference before and after. I'm sure that was a big difference.
  • You've all done amazing work and should be proud! It would be so much easier to get through these threads if people didn't quote the original poster with all their pics in the reply, if you want to reply to someone specific, just reference their name, jeez.
  • Starting Weight – 207.4 lbs. (Thursday 1st March) Goal Weight Loss – 8.3 lbs Week 1 –205.8 lbs. and 0.8 % lost (Thursday 8th March) Week 2 - 203.2 lbs. and 1.25 % lost (Thursday 15th March) Week 3 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Thursday 22th March) Week 4 - xxx lbs. and xx % lost (Thursday 29th March) Total Lost – xxx lbs.…
  • Whoah AggieLu, that all looks so awesome, gotta try those no bake cookies, meat crust pizza and tika masala. I love the jalapenos, looks like yours came out perfectly, hard to get those to come out right. Did you put them in oven, under broiler, how?
  • Congrats to you! In 2006, I was pushing 230 lbs and 5 miles was a really really long run for me. I thought one day I'd like to run a marathon, as in "one". But a year later I ran my first, and next month I'll be running my third straight Boston and 10th marathon. Believe in yourself and just put those miles in, no matter…
  • Sounds like PF to me too. Can be anywhere around heel, inside, outside...hard to treat, been trying to deal with it for better part of a year. Might break down and do cortisone shot next week.
  • That is the one drawback of the Y, if you aren't low income, you are effectively subsidizing all those who are. Our location is in a fairly low income neighborhood so we are probably one of the few families paying full price, but they recently redid most of the interior and the facilities and equipment are all really nice,…
  • Yes, awesome job, look great!
  • Wow, you look awesome. Lucky husband! He must be in military (hellfire) . Congrats on cancer-free, baby and rockin new you!
  • Never heard of Y for less than $20/mo even for individual, but they do have sliding fees if you don't make a lot.
  • We have a family Y membership. It is about $950 a year I think. I think that is a bit much considering you have to pay extra for swim lessons and some other things. But I go often so get my money's worth. Also, any place that has a pool will be much more. Planet fitness is pretty cheap, like $20 - $30 month I think. No…
  • Max HR tends to decrease with age. That forumula is more accurate than 220 - age for me, but still on the low side. I am 45 and my max is about 192. A good way to test your max is to wear a heart rate monitor for a 5K or 10K race and see what your peak is. You may not reach your max, but if you are really pushing it and…
  • Only 222 cals for the oatmeal, syrup and berries. Keep the syrup to 2 teaspoons, provides plenty of sweetness and flavor. :smile: I do like the texture of steel cut, it is more coarse, almost looks like grape nuts before it's cooked.
  • That is a difficult time. I wasn't able to really work out on a regular basis til my youngest was 4. And there's two of us! Maybe DVD workouts in the morning. I know wouldn't get anything done with a 2 year old either. We had twins :) Maybe find a friend or partner who will motivate you and workout with you. Can you walk…
  • Wo that is crazy about the stress fractures....you must have brittle bones. Must have sucked, glad you are on the road to recovery.
  • You are all amazing! Love how people not only lost weight but got strong. Definitely making lifting a regular part of my new routine!
  • Garmin and Polar are both great, have owned many. Both make several reasonably priced models.
  • I've been running marathons for 5 years, lots of miles, over 50/week at peak marathon training. At first when i was running long and slow, I lost about 15 or 20 lbs, but then plateaued. But to be truthful, I was eating whatever the hell I wanted, prob over 3000 cals a day on average. Being diligent about whats coming in…
  • Steel cut oats with honey for breakfast, so good!
  • You can see the thinner you emerging :)
  • Looked at those yesterday, looks delicious but kinda small and more sugar than I want to get in a small snack. But certainly KIND makes food with great wholesome ingredients. Be a nice snack during/after a long run or ride.
  • So you've figured out that everything is related. :wink: If something is hurting you on a run, calf, hamstring, heel, whatever, it won't be long before something else starts hurting...why? because when something hurts, we tend to overcompensate, to protect the injured area, if you are running lighter on one side, you're…