Gemz2589 Member


  • never: cant think of anything really. rarely: alcohol red meat icecream sweets fast food (theres alot more but i cant think right now) Always: apple banana any fruit any veg snack a jacks bran flakes salad soup pasta pepsi max/diet coke lucozade sport bulgar wheat, quinoa, spelt etc... eggs, chicken, sea food (i love it!)
  • you can definately see the difference! you look healthier and happier. Dont give up, everyone has blips! You're looking great xxx
  • i dont have a problem with other dieters. i personally have a problem with people who try and tell others how to diet and that they are being 'stupid' for eating too few calories or what ever. Nobody actually knows what is going on in anybody elses lives and cant know what is going through their minds. people may look at…
  • i like you. Agree 100%
  • im really addicted to pepsi max, i have been for a long long time and its so hard to give it up. it has ruined my teeth and costs a bomb to keep buying. stick with water!!