Pepsi Max vs. Coke Zero



  • ellynlh
    ellynlh Posts: 4
    Most definitely, Coke Zero. I agree with some of the other posts; there is something off about the taste of Pepsi Max. If you want caffeine, drink coffee. If you're going for taste, Coke Zero. :drinker:

    As for the studies related to the drinking of diet soda and weight control/gain. There a 2 more widely circulated reasons: 1) Psychological - By drinking diet soda, you feel you are saving the calories and can therefore treat yourself to something more calorie-dense. Unfortunately, most people overestimate how much "extra" they can really have. 2) Physiological - There are certain metabolic response that our bodies have in response to sugar consumption. While artificial sweeteners are not sugar and are calorie-free, our bodies have been shown to respond in a similar way (as if we were eating real sugar). The by-products of sugar metabolism have been shown to be associated with weight, etc. Therefore, it is possible, that while calorie free, other process related to articular sugar consumption may not be helping us.

    Furthermore, the consuming of diet soda (which tend to be quite seem), increases our craving for more sweets. This could be looked at from both a psychological as well as a physiological standpoint. Take your pick.

    The key? Balance. Drinking a diet soda with your value meal, doesn't make the burger or fries any more or less healthy for you.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    Sooo that wasnt misinformation...but thanks for being kind of rude, geez.

    I offered a flower. If I had been rude, you'd know it.

    The "studies" you refer to did not control for diet. In other words, they didn't pay attention to what people were eating at all, they just found out that whole lot of folks who are fat like to drink diet sodas. They didn't ask them if they were ordering them along side of their triple cheeseburger and macho fries.

    Eighty-two pounds lost, each and every one of them saturated in Coke Zero.

    OP, drink what you like. Don't buy into misinformation. If someone makes a claim, ask for the study that they are quoting from, then read the methods used to determine if actual science was in effect or just fearmongering.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    . 2) Physiological - There are certain metabolic response that our bodies have in response to sugar consumption. While artificial sweeteners are not sugar and are calorie-free, our bodies have been shown to respond in a similar way (as if we were eating real sugar). The by-products of sugar metabolism have been shown to be associated with weight, etc. Therefore, it is possible, that while calorie free, other process related to articular sugar consumption may not be helping us.

    Furthermore, the consuming of diet soda (which tend to be quite seem), increases our craving for more sweets.

    This has been shown to be false. Please see links provided above.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    cherry coke zero? where do you find that? i have never seen it or heard of it till now!!!!!!!
  • rbrannock
    rbrannock Posts: 169
    I love Coke Zero. And I know, water is the way to go, and I usually drink 8-10 cups per day, but sometimes I want something different and it craves my sweet I pick Coke Zero! :)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I get Cherry Zero and also Vanilla Zero at Ralph's. (aka Kroger)
  • svanhoecke
    svanhoecke Posts: 266
    Never said it wasn't possible to lose weight while drinking diet soda. Putting aside whether or not it effects your weight, I think most things with fake sugars in them are just plain no good for you. I don't feel like getting in a facts war or research citing argument. Cutting diet coke and all sodas out of my diet has helped my weight loss. There are clearly two different schools of thought in this debate...but I feel pretty confident in saying I feel better all around after replacing soda with water.

    A lot of people mfp keep saying "it's fine in moderation." but that's the problem...drinking diet soda in moderation isn't always easy for everyone. Before I quit the stuff I was so addicted I would have 3-5 a day. Expensive and not good for me. So if you can truly limit yourself to only every once in a while without getting addicted to the aspartame and whatnot, more power to ya.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    I get Cherry Zero and also Vanilla Zero at Ralph's. (aka Kroger)

    thx. I think it must be a Canadian thing.. we don't get half the good things out there.... next time i'm in the states for a trip i will have to grab a few bottles and bring them home with me!!!
  • Gemz2589
    Gemz2589 Posts: 5 Member
    im really addicted to pepsi max, i have been for a long long time and its so hard to give it up. it has ruined my teeth and costs a bomb to keep buying.

    stick with water!!
  • svanhoecke
    svanhoecke Posts: 266
    im really addicted to pepsi max, i have been for a long long time and its so hard to give it up. it has ruined my teeth and costs a bomb to keep buying.

    stick with water!!

    Diet soda is killer on enamel. I brush well twice a day and so does my mom. We couldn't figure out why we kept having teeth issues...part of the reason we quit!
  • You shouldnt drink it! It's really addictive and i heard it doesn't help to lose weight either. I drink water:)
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Absolute fallacy that they stop you losing weight. Does my picture below look like it stopped me? Cherry Pepsi Max is the best! :bigsmile:

  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    I prefer Coke Zero. I have one of those mini cans maybe 4-5 days a week. I don't think it will kill me and it hasn't prevented me from losing weight. I couldn't spend the rest of my life drinking only water, I would cry.:laugh:
  • 967_1111
    967_1111 Posts: 221 Member
    As a shareholder of Coca-Cola, I encourage you to buy large quantities of Coke Zero and share with all your friends!
  • loseweightjames
    loseweightjames Posts: 360 Member
    Any preferences or should I not be drinking either?

  • loulou2006
    loulou2006 Posts: 32 Member
    I know, i know switch to water but it's so hard, diet soda is a weakness for me that i just can't seem to get past....I have cut it down to one a day and hope to quit it completely someday
  • luvmydog2
    luvmydog2 Posts: 243 Member
    Pepsi Max ...1 can a day ....and water mostly ..In winter just coffee ...cant drink tea ...Yuk !
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member

  • Eaglesfanintn
    Eaglesfanintn Posts: 813 Member
    I've been a solid Coke Zero fan for over a year now. I hate Pepsi in any form. Plus, I live in Atlanta so we're pretty much required by law to hate Pepsi. I usually drink water all day and have one diet beverage (Coke Zero or Diet Snapple) with dinner.

    This is pretty much me (except for the Atlanta part). I drink one Coke Zero per day during the week to get my caffeine (hate coffee and not a fan of tea) and sometimes on the weekend I'll drink a Fanta Orange, Sprite or Barq's Root Beer (all of the Zero variety). They are delicious and, well, zero calories. Even my wife, who says she hates diet soda, will drink those.