Can Anyone See a Difference?

i've been trying to lose weight since November and feel like i'm starting to fall off the wagon so i decided to do a quick picture comparison from when i first started till now. The problem is I honestly can not see any difference at all despite losing 13lbs so i'm showing you the pictures and want your opinions please.



  • pinkpascal
    pinkpascal Posts: 75 Member
    sorry the picture is so small, any bigger and I get blurry :(
  • Gemz2589
    Gemz2589 Posts: 5 Member
    you can definately see the difference! you look healthier and happier. Dont give up, everyone has blips! You're looking great xxx
  • Stormyyy
    Stormyyy Posts: 247 Member
    Wow yep i see a difference, look at the diff in them shoulders girl, you're deffo not as broad!! Well done and dnt give up as you're doing great!

    Keep going and good luck! :heart:
  • strandedj
    strandedj Posts: 128
    Yes you can see. A difference! Great work!
  • Jeni322
    Jeni322 Posts: 63 Member
    Wow you sure can see a difference! How many inches have you lost? It's soooo obvious how well you are doing! Don't give up!! xxx
  • pinkpascal
    pinkpascal Posts: 75 Member
    I didn't think to measure inches - how stupid of me, i was just focusing on the evil scale. I'm going to start measuring asap and hopefully that will make me feel better.
  • happilyeveractive
    happilyeveractive Posts: 167 Member
    You can tell for sure! Keep it uppp :)
  • Jeni322
    Jeni322 Posts: 63 Member
    I didn't think to measure inches - how stupid of me, i was just focusing on the evil scale. I'm going to start measuring asap and hopefully that will make me feel better.

    The scales is pure evil!! Don't get demotivated you really do look great!!! xxx
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Even though the picture is small, you can definitely tell that you've lost weight! :D
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Yes. Black's definatley not THAT slimming.

    Good job.
  • s0ready
    s0ready Posts: 99
    TOTALLY!!!! your shoulders look slimmer and jawline. And the waist!!!! AWESOME JOB!
  • pinkpascal
    pinkpascal Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks guys. I guess I don't see it because I look in the mirror every day and don't notice the changes.
  • Musikelektronik
    Musikelektronik Posts: 739 Member
    That looks like a lot more than 13 lbs.! Well done!
  • 123Linz
    123Linz Posts: 80
    You we can tell a difference for sure.

    You bring up a good point here; how we perceive ourselves is not realistic.
  • frosty73
    frosty73 Posts: 424 Member
    I think it looks like you've lost more than 13 lbs, I'll bet you've put on a lot of muscle! You look awesome!
    Way to go, keep it up!
  • pinkpascal
    pinkpascal Posts: 75 Member
    i took my measurements for the first time today and i'm going to check them again in 2 weeks to see if i am losing inches instead of pounds. Thanks for encouraging me to carry on :)