

  • hey there! i am newish to this to and after being told by my Dr to loose weight i joined My fitness pal. its a huge step deciding your ready to make the change, but its such a positive moment. just log everything you eat and try to remain positive and you will be fine! :smile: good luck on your journey!
    in Hello Comment by stickybass June 2012
  • just track everything you eat and make sensible choices! even just swapping a biscuit for a piece of fruit can make a difference. Good Luck:happy:
  • hey! im new to this too and im excited to start my journey and make this count. I have tried so many diets before and cant stick to a thing, so this time im hoping to make this one stick! good luck to you! :smile:
  • i have had the same problem! im always worried that i put all the effort in to exercising that i waste it by eating more. only lost 1.5kg so far so i will give it a try to.