10 weeks to change.....

Hi, all, new to this site, though not to dieting....:(
I'm heading home to the UK in 10 weeks for a trip to visit family and friends..will be 15 yrs since i saw some of them.....i so want to be smaller than i am right now. On the one hand i'm very motivated by the trip, but on the other i am so scared i will not be successful and then i jeopardise my eating plan and pig out. WHY DO I DO THIS??? I'm so ashamed that i cant seem to take myself in hand. Any advice???? Im 83kg (sorry dont know what that is in pounds..but too many )


  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    I would write down your goals, make them small to begin with, then keep getting progressively intense. At the moment I'm doing a 10 week challenge. The goal is to lose 10 or more kilos in that time.

    Some examples of this week's challenges are:

    1. Park in the furthest carpark where you park for shopping/work and walk the extra space.
    2. Walk up a hill
    3. do at least 30 mins of moderate cardio each day
    4. Do 10 mins of stretching a day
    5. Drink 2.5L of water a day
    6. Pre-prepare all your lunches and Morning and Afternoon tea for the week, don't buy any food during the day!

    Each of those on their own isn't hard, and it gives you a great feeling to be able to tick them off each day :) Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like to track with me, I have my diary open for friends.
  • xiangling
    xiangling Posts: 9
    fantastic tips...thankyou so much , will have a GOOD day tomorrow.
  • grace008
    grace008 Posts: 3 Member
    if you have to get treats for the kids buy them on a daily basis so they are not aweeks worth sat in a cupboard at home where you can dip into them
    for dessert try sorbet not as fattening as ice cream and remember to get a smaller plate to make you thing you have a bigger portion
    iif you have a night out try to cut down for a couple of days before just by 50 calories and up your exercise

    if you have a bad day just pick up the next day and get right back on the diet and good luck
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I think it's a risky strategy to pin all your hopes on losing weight JUST for the trip... why not set a goal to get into some really good eating and exercise habits before you go away. This way you haven't "failed" if you don't lose a certain number of kg when you hop on the plane, but you have succeeded because you have made really positive changes that will make you healthier for the rest of your life.

    The people you are going to visit want to see YOU, not a new-improved-and-skinner-version-of-you.
    Sure, they'll be impressed if you can tell them "I've lost 5kg" but I doubt that they will love you more because of it!

    Lyn's tips are great, try those and you will be well on the way to losing some weight and feeling great.
  • xiangling
    xiangling Posts: 9
    I think it's a risky strategy to pin all your hopes on losing weight JUST for the trip... why not set a goal to get into some really good eating and exercise habits before you go away. This way you haven't "failed" if you don't lose a certain number of kg when you hop on the plane, but you have succeeded because you have made really positive changes that will make you healthier for the rest of your life.

    The people you are going to visit want to see YOU, not a new-improved-and-skinner-version-of-you.
    Sure, they'll be impressed if you can tell them "I've lost 5kg" but I doubt that they will love you more because of it!

    Lyn's tips are great, try those and you will be well on the way to losing some weight and feeling great.

    Thanks, very sensible advice, however i KNOW my sisters in law and families will be so shocked that i am now 20kg heavier than when they last saw me, and to be honest...so am i. I'm not expecting to lose all that weight in 10 weeks of course....but some would be good. :) and how great it would be to do some clothes shopping.....
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    Snack. Portion control. And snack.

    Buy having 6 small meals a day (lol meals), you can ramp up your metabolism and your body uses the food more efficiently. There are foods out there that have been known to help ramp your metabolism up as well, such as-


    Kiwis and turkey are other good metabolism boosting foods as well.

    Hope that helps :3
  • just track everything you eat and make sensible choices! even just swapping a biscuit for a piece of fruit can make a difference.
    Good Luck:happy:
  • xiangling
    xiangling Posts: 9
    thanks..gonna track it all. and thanks for the food recommendations...all possible except hot pepper (yuk for me) and turkey...(not a lot of turkey around here).
    Feel kind of ready in my head....snow outside and school cancelled tomorrow..if i can do it with kids off school i figure i can do it anywhere :)
  • moepwr
    moepwr Posts: 335 Member
    Take the slow and steady approach. Also maybe start the 30 day shred program or couch to 25 (C25K). They will get you moving! It's hard to do with kids I know but you will be setting a great example!