
  • Nothing succeeds like success and you have successfully lost 6lb in the first 2 weeks. That is 10% of your goal. You are well on your way. Why wouldn't you want to take the whole journey. I am somewhat self-motivated but I have at times lifted myself by thinking about the rewards that await me. Maybe this will work for you…
  • Wow! Mega inspirational and shows what a positive attitude can do to your life. Imagine how his life would have been without that positive and fun loving attitude. It seems Nick Vujici wants for nothing and is now married to a beautiful woman and expecting their first child.
  • My husband and I went on a cruise last Nov. His attitude now, after that experience, is "relax at your peril' if you are trying to lose weight". If we ever go on a cruise again he said he will treat the ship as a health farm, work out twice a day instead of once (they all have gyms), walk around the decks with a drink in…
  • WOW! What a phenomenal, and inspirational result. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  • Hey! You are already under 100kg - just take your socks off. Congratulations - great progress your making.
  • I wondered about this too, so I asked my doctor. He said sugar is sugar & doesn't matter where it comes from if you are watching your intake. Very frustrating because I want to eat more fruit. I am usually over my limit each day, but not by a lot.