

  • Hey, congrats on the upcoming wedding! My name is Rebecca, I'm 29 with two beautiful children and a wonderful husband. I know exactly what you mean when it comes to their support! He says all of the "right" things and I love him for it but sometimes I need the motivation and kick in the butt from someone who isn't going to…
  • Hi Julia, First of all, I am so happy to hear that you beat cancer but so sorry you had to go through that. I have lost many family members to it. I am brand new to the site and am so far very excited at all of the opportunities for success on here. My biggest challenge in the past has been the motivation to stick with it.…
  • Hello! I saw your post and had to reply...our goals are so similar. I am 5'7", 240 and my goal is also 180. I just started this site today and am happy with everything I've come across so far. Motivation and support are what I need most since I usually am able to lose the weight, but sticking with it is my struggle. I'd be…