

  • as Emma says, once at target you do not have to pay to attend SW. SW is basically a healthy eating plan where you can stick with it for life. Yes, some people are going to end up going back to their old habits and putting weight back on but that is no different to following a low calorie diet, and then increasing your…
  • Hi. Erm where do I start? The recipe books are great but often we will use recipes from other books/magazines and "slimming world" them ourselves - ie missing out oil and changing certain ingredients. My fail safe will often be wedges or SW chips as they are nice and easy to bung in the oven. Burgers are a good one, using…
  • Hi, I'm Sara and live on the IOW with my partner and my 2 children. I've done SW on and off for around 14 years and have always lost weight and then managed to regain it. Around 4 years ago I lost 3.5 stone and for the first time managed to keep most of it off (although I was regularly up and down up to about a stone). I…