Hugs to you and your family. I am crying thinking of the pain you all are advice is whats best for your pup.
I would eat my breakfast I normally eat before. Being its potluck I would bring some cut up fruit and then I would sit,,have a piece of fruit and drink my coffee and visit. We have lunches regularly, and before I saw the light I would order whatever,,pizza, chinese food. Now (since I am the one who orders everything) we…
oooo I didn't know you could do that...(rubbing hands together-gleefully)
Congrats on your loss! I just did a clean out of my clothes that are too big for me today. 1 huge bag of clothes gone...
bumb for later
I was about 8 when my friend and I stole her older brothers machete (we wanted to bush wack thro the woods and make a fort) So I pretty much cut the tip of my thumb off. Cause I was scared of my mom I didn't tell her, but got gauze and wrapped it up with tobacco ( was told it would help--I was 8 years old) It was a few…
bump....for later cause I have done alot of crazy stuff
Im between a microwave and human leg
I ordered 2 Fitbit Flex for myself and my husband. Its like almost 2 month wait for it,,,so I have 6 weeks to go....
yuck peanut butter
Apple tv and Netflix
Borderline Mother. By Christine Lawson. Great book, got it from my councillor. No excuse for what she does to you. NONE.
I had a guy at the gym that would do the machines and yes he too would change them up higher after he was done with them. I didn't mind cause I usually was right behind him and didn't have to change them for me to work And I admit I let him know it. The only thing I think is seriously weird in my gym is the UPS…
I have lost 2 cousins (one from each parent-both named Laura) Laura (mom side) was out drinking, passed out at a friends house, woke up and drove home. VERY hung over...still impaired. Flipped her car and broke her neck. Laura (dad side) and her boyfriend were driving home late from work when a drunk driver ran a red…
Ive lost 35 with eating healthy. I find planning my meals in advance helps, I hate standing in the kitchen going,,,what am I gonna eat? I cook large amounts and freeze half. I feel less stress of eating.
I would take PB over chocolate any day...LOVE PB. I used to eat bananas and PB all the time. Became allergic to bananas so PB is now solo.
That is a great problem to have! I can't wait.
1. When someone asks me for advise and then they do the polar opposite and when it doesn't go their way, whine about it. 2. People who *visit* in the middle of the isle in the grocery store, or anywhere where they are in the way. 3. People that can't get the driving a vehicle without almost ramming others off the road. 4.…
there was someone at the beginning of the replies that said don't let them have the power. Say it out loud...a few times. And then say YOU have the power. repeat. remind. We have a split in our office of good healthy people and then not so healthy people. We push for being positive.
why not? haha I don't use my fingers but did indulge in peanut butter and a large spoon. guestimating 4-5 tablespoons.
same with you already have your newest tat picked out?
Mud Heros in Red Deer this year,,,am I scared? Heck ya I am, excited for sure...
Some great suggestions on here. The support group, if you could find one in your area the evening of or day after your visit (when you are your most raw) Seeing your family Dr. perhaps a low dose of anti anxiety meds would help.
6 egg whites and a tablespoon of salsa. Coffee with cream. Weekends are more- Get to sleep in so its almost more lunch then breakfast. 6 egg whites with sauted veggies and 2 sausages. Starbucks americano. mmmmm love my weekends.
I have done Herbal Life and Dr. Bernstein...WW and Body for Life. I did enjoy Body for Life, I was able to eat and workout it was all balanced. It was just so much work. Ya I am a lazy slug. But I know whats good for me and will be going back to doing the same workouts.
me three!
19 years old